Wubba Lub Dub Dub!

I really want a Rick and morty deck. Someone REALLY needs to make one.

Something like this:

0-The Fool-Morty with snowball nearby, falling over and spilling a box of sci-fi stuff and Rick is just laughing and pointing.

1-The Magician -Rick withs tuff around him for all the sciences/suites (chemistry, fire-arms, etc.)

2-The High Priestess -Summer looking up at Rick all annoyed.

3.-The Emperor -This is hard, since jerry isn't very emperor like, but yeah.

4.-The Emperess -Beth

5.-The Hierophant -Rick talking to morty and summer (probably about whythey're both crap).

6.-The Lovers -Beth and Jerry

7.-The Chariot -Rick in between Summer and Morty fighting over the wheel.

8.-Strength -Those female aliens. I forget their names.

9.-The Hermit -I might need to rewatch the series to come up with more.

The devil would surely be the devil.

The world would be all of space.

What do you guys think?