How to make spell candles


What you need:
(note: this candle was made for creativity and inspiration, so everything matches that goal. Change herbs, colors and stones to match any purpose you want/need!)
🕯 a base candle, either white or a color that works for your goal
🕯 through-and-through colored candles for dripping in colors that match your intent.
I usually use two or three, in this case, yellow for happiness and inspiration and orange for creativity
🕯 herbs, in this case, basil (creativity), rose (passion/motivation), mistletoe (fertility for ideas) and mugwort (creativity)
🕯 small stone chips, in this case, aventurine, citrine and burnt amethyst (all for creativity)
🕯 oils, in this case, jasmine (creativity)
🕯 ribbon and charm (optional, but pretty!)
🕯 baking paper to protect your work surface

Start with carving some words or symbols into the candle. In this case, a bindrune for creativity, the runes kenaz (inner fire), wunjo (happiness) and gebo (gift).

Now drip the first color. Make sure to first go around the edges for the pretty drips and then fill in the top.

Next are the herbs, stones, and oil. Just sprinkle them on top and arrange the bigger pieces, so they are spread out a bit. Press the stones gently down into the still soft wax for sturdiness.

Drip the last color, making sure to set but not drown the herbs, and tadaa! One beautiful spell candle! But wait, there’s more!

Tie the ribbon around the candle with one knot.

Slide on your charm and knot again, fitting it snugly against the candle.

Make a pretty bow and trim the ends, and you’re done!

Burn it during your spell (note: remove the ribbon before it catches and reuse it!), place it on your altar or even make them to give away as gifts! ðŸŒ™