The Modern Guide to Witchcraft

The Modern Guide to Witchcraft

If you're looking for a good beginner guide to witchcraft, I highly recommend 'The Modern Guide to Witchcraft by Skye Alexander.' It's really informative and a really interesting read. As a beginner in this practice, I think it is a great introduction to the craft.

Besides being a little too basic, I really enjoy this book. It is straightforward, well written, comprehensive and doesn't focus on just one path or belief system. She does mention some of the different paths around the world and encourages readers to experiment and find the path that works best for them. Furthermore, she makes it very clear that magick comes from within you and not from some outside force. She provides overviews of some common ritual tools and correspondences of different crystals, herbs, trees, and times, but makes it very clear magick can be performed anywhere by anyone with absolutely nothing. I couldn't agree with her more.

There are a few things in the book that I disagreed with like Skye lumping hedgewitches in with kitchen witches (they are not the same). Also her section on "spirit animals" doesn't seem right to me. She insinuates that you can pick your spirit animal to aid in certain magic, but in most traditions, the animal picks you and stays with you; it doesn't change because you are casting a protection spell instead of a love spell. Some people have more than one, while others spend much of their lives searching for their one.

Other than that, it's a fantastic book. The spells and rituals in Part II are easy to perform and great for beginners and experts alike. Within these sections, she provides ways to make the spells and rituals your own, something other authors don't always encourage. Remember, witchcraft is what you make it. There are no rules other than to be clear and concise in your intent. Furthermore, she encourages readers to do a lot of self-reflection before performing spells to ensure the correct intent is there. For example, in the prosperity spell section, she asks the reader to complete 9 sentences, sentences that are specifically designed to define your ideas about prosperity and what it means to be successful. Every spell section begins with an activity like this one which I think is excellent, especially for beginners.