The Minor Arcana, Part 4 (Swords)


Suit Of Swords: they cover the element of Air and deal with mentality. "I think" is the motto of Suit of Swords. When it comes to Swords, they also cover aspects such as change, oppositions, various types of conflicts, different angles of opposition, attitudes, approaches, destructive forces, attention, concentration, power and paradigms.

Many readers think that Swords are very negative when it comes to Tarot card meanings. But this is not true at all.

Sure, cards like 8, 9 or 10 of Swords can send chills to someone but that usually comes down when a person feels hopeless to begin with,

Let me explain you how to deal with suit of Swords.

Instead of panicking, realize that this matter is calling on your attention. This means that a certain situation was probably neglected for too long and now is the right time to solve it. Treat it as inspiration and solution rather than a disturbing problem. And note that not all Sword cards are "bad".

Let's look at the example of how to interpret Sword cards. Let's just assume you have a question: "Will our relationship work out in a long run?"

And you do a three card spread, drawing Queen of Swords, 10 of Swords and Lovers.

Some people will get chills from this combination because thoughts like "this is the end and she is seeing someone else" may pop up. These are natural thoughts but let's take a deeper look into the meaning.

In this case, Queen of Swords represents a powerful female who is not typically yielding. She may also be going through some rough times, doing mental evaluations and lives "everything or nothing" approach, where it is her way or the highway... She will not tolerate weakness and she may be very tired of hardships. She may appear as cold-hearted and ignorant of others, but it can be an illusion. She may be craving warmth and love as well.

10 of Swords do indeed indicate that there is a possibility for a relationship to end OR in order to keep it, a strategy needs to be designed. In other words, if you just keep doing the same, most likely, it will end. But if you design a strategy, asking a question "How can our relationship be saved?" and laying out Tarot cards, then you may get a very clear-cut approach to turn this relationship into a blossoming one!

Again, Lovers as a Major Arcana reinforce just that. No, it is not "cheating" or "lovers on the side" even though it does indicate a great possibility in the future. Lovers is about choice. So, Lovers reinforce the other Minor Arcana cards by saying: "Look, it is your choice. It is up to you. If you want this relationship to end, it can. If you want to save it, make a new intention to do that".

Ace of Swords

The Ace of Swords, like all aces are a pure embodiment of their suit and a sign of new and solid beginnings. The suit of swords deals with very strong elements of focus, determination, and intellectual capacity. It seems you have been awakened. You are ready for new challenges and huge changes.

Time: Winter
Focus: Intense vibration. News, correspondence and loved ones accentuated. Career satisfaction or personal gratification desired and achieved.
Romance: Strong emotions surfacing. A new romance may take you by storm. Unexpected message or declaration of love coming from an admirer. If married, there could be trouble in paradise.
Career & finances: Your skills will be acknowledged and someone will express an interest in your work (or you!) but your income may not be as much as you hoped for.
Health: You'll experience frustration and tense conditions, but you will be determined not to let it fluster you so it won't last long. You're going to say good-bye to pressure, tension, and anxiety and hello to satisfaction, emotional fulfillment, and increased popularity.
Family & friends: Problematical home life. Everyone seems to be under pressure. Will probably feel like escaping. A friend could help you with a very important project.

Two of Swords

The Two of Swords represents a balance of almost equal forces, like all two cards. Because it is from the suit of swords, these are powerful forces. You may be finding yourself in the middle of a very tough decision with no clear outcome. Truly open your eyes, and ask yourself what you need to do to end this stalemate. The resolution will likely bring peace for you.

Focus: Moving ahead in spite of fear or doubt. Making decisions. Aligning yourself with supportive friends or responsive associates. Some success will be attained and some obstacles will remain.
Romance: The unexpected is going to happen... a  new romance or potential love affair with one who is extremely charming, comforting, or well-to-do. A caller could arrive bearing gifts and a proposal will be made and accepted.
Career & finances: Expect a surprise or an unusual even to occur and a new idea will be acted on that will go exceptionally well.  Don't be surprised when work brings an opportunity to mix business and pleasure. Financial concerns could arise regarding an investment or business associate, but your profits will take an upward swing.
Health: Needing  more balance in your life. Pushing yourself too hard will cause your health to suffer.
Family & friends: You and a family member will patch things up or declare a truce. Good fortune coming through a chance meeting or encounter.

Three of Swords

The Three of Swords is sometimes known as the “war” card. Although the number 3 signifies creation, the suit of swords is about big movements and big changes. When something is created, something else must be destroyed, and you may find this process very painful. Nonetheless, you must face the events in order to overcome them.

Focus: Strife in business, love, family or home. Plans not going as anticipated. Broken heart or shattered dreams. Salvaging what you can. Negative conditions or delays clearing up. Restructuring, rebuilding and renewing.
Romance: Because you have experienced suffering or heartache in the past, you may not be willing to extend yourself now. If you have separated, you my think that all is lost but you will have a change of heart. The situation is only temporary.
Career & finances: A business proposal or the possibility of a new avenue to pursue or follow up on will be presented but you won't leap at the idea. Money that was held up or delayed will come and/or you will profit through time investments, speculations or a well-thought-out plan of action.
Health: Tears, sickness or suffering is indicated. You'll need a vacation from work or worry and will soon take one.
Family & friends: Someone close may be in pain (or will be a pain). You may need to overcome the fear of confrontation before you can have better relationships. 

Four of Swords

The Four of Swords, representing order and stability, combined with the tumultuous nature of the Swords, offers your rest from the battles in life. It suggests that you enjoy this moment of peace. It may also point to a recovery from illness.

Focus: Increased activity in business and social affairs. Emphasis on printed material, money and self promotion. Possibility of an involvement with someone in the law or  media. Will definitely be moving in the right direction, but may need a respite before going any further.
Romance: Obstacles could make you feel cut off or out of touch. Your partner may not being holding up his or her end or giving as much as you are. Being determined to overcome negative conditions can make a positive difference.
Career & finances: Tension could make your work environment unpleasant. Starting your own business? Money may be slow in coming and there's a possibility of a financial dispute.  Don't worry. In time your worries will be over and your prayers will be answered.
Health: Your health will be in need of repair and medical attention or treatment may be necessary. No matter what you have suffered in the past (be it mental, physical or emotional), you'll soon be on purpose again, and your hope and determination will be renewed.
Family & friends: Trying to make amends with someone but will be at the end of your rope. A friend's comment may displease you.

Five of Swords

The Five of Swords is a card of battle. The suit of swords represents great change, at great costs, while the number 5 in numerology represents new (if foolish) beginnings. If you think of 4 as the stability of a baby on all fours, it is easy to see how 5, as a child standing on their legs for the first time, is a bit wobbly. This card may signify that you must not fight with the prideful person again (you will lose) or that you need to watch your own pride. It could blind you to your own weaknesses and lure you into situations you are not ready for.

Focus: Frustration, struggle and conflicts. Nothing will seem to go right. May finally get what you want but it probably won't be the way you wanted it. Learn to count your blessings and your luck will change.
Romance: Dreams and promises are not panning out. Longing for love but not willing to sell your soul to get it. Feeling you'd rather be alone than in a relationship just for the sake of having someone around.
Career & finances: Problems at work. A clash of wills or argument is probable. Although self-sufficient and financially solvent, you'll tend to worry about money and securing your financial future.
Health: A previous illness or physical problem could rear its ugly head again and more treatment will probably be necessary. Emotionally, people who make promises and then don't deliver will cause unhappiness or disappointment.
Family & friends: A relative may do a big favor for you but friendships could require constant effort on your part.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords represents the beginning of relief, an escape from hard times. In numerology, the number 6 stands for restoration of harmony and balance. The suit of swords is about thoughts and spirituality. This card usually signifies the beginning of a journey, sometimes over water. The journey is not complete yet, but you are on your way to freedom.

Focus: Evaluations or opinions. Problems with relationships, superiors or competitors are probable. May be rethinking your current position or strategy. Corrective action will need to be taken.
Romance: More of the same; delays and disappointment. Tired of waiting for someone to get their act together. Might just decide to look for somebody else.
Career & finances: You could be in for an upsetting confrontation at work. Try to let it roll off your back. It will get straightened out. You'll soon be grateful for the arrival or realization of a new platform for future endeavors and although you're only making only a pittance now, in times to come, you'll reap many rewards.
Health: Problems with medical or insurance papers could arise. Headaches or stomach upsets are also likely. Restructuring your thinking will lead to a sense of satisfaction, self-worth, or well-being.
Family & friends: Tensions will ease up but the problem(s) may remain. Could possibly get a call from someone you'd rather not hear from.

Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is known as the “thief” card. This usually signifies a single source of frustration. In a reading, The Seven of Swords warns to you on your guard, especially against those who are trying to extract information from you.

Focus: Uncertain or unstable conditions. Having trouble meeting deadlines, prioritizing or perfecting ideas. A surreptitious advantage coming your way (in your finances or love life) that puts a smile on your face and a song in your heart.
Romance: An admirer will want to see you and will phone or come to call and/or or a new love could make you feel giddy.  Be careful that you're not put in a compromising position.
Career & finances: Wanting to get away but work keeps pulling you back. May be to much of a perfectionist. Feeling anxious about money or income thought lost, but you'll soon have unexpected financial gains, and your good judgment and ability to establish correct priorities will prove to be successful.
Health: Working too long or hard will result in stiffness, aches and pains. Problems with your breast or chest are also possible. A rest would greatly help.
Family & friends: Love them but may be finding it difficult to make time for them. A conversation with a friend will put things into perspective. An old friend or business associate could also appear. 

Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords appears in a reading when you are in a difficult situation. You may feel isolated, trapped, and silenced. You are likely finding your options restricted at every turn, causing rising frustration and anxiety. But note that the number 8 stands for strength. You still have inner strength to get past these troubles, and when you do, be ready to move.

Focus: Withdrawal, "endarkenment" or deadlock. Others seem to have the upper hand. Try to remember that every experience has a positive end in view and no matter how great the problems may seem, they can still be overcome. New freedom will be found through the resolving of restrictive conditions, or getting out of an oppressive commitment.
Romance: Feeling boxed in but you are actually being spiritually protected so you won't be diverted from your higher purposes. Regeneration through a different environment or person is predicted.
Career & finances: Wanting to get out of an oppressive situation or change your line of work. May be worried that financial resources are dwindling, but a new venture, purchase order or business opportunity will come right to your door.
Health: Be very cautious; accidents abound. Driving could be hazardous. Use care around sharp objects or electrical gadgets.
Family & friends: Some family members will be immensely enjoyable but others, a burden.  Choose your friends wisely and learn to be more discriminating.

Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords is a feeling we all know—the one where we wake up in the middle of the night just to worry about our problems and failings, things we should have done or things we should not have said. This appears when you are at the height of your anguish. Despite often being unfounded or seen from a skewed perspective, your pain can take the form of sleeplessness, of fear, depression, loneliness and isolation. Beware pushing away those who are seeking to help you, and find the courage to reach out for help.

Focus: Worrying about the future or someone close to you. Progress stymied or aborted at the moment of conception. Feeling morose or deprived. Try not to let your fears get the best of you. What looks like failure or loss could prove to be an opportunity for growth and greater reward.
Romance: Marriage could suffer due to work or an affair, or will be separated from the one you love, but a lot of what you fear is not true and will not be the case at all, and in a very short time you will be reunited.
Career & finances: Fresh ideas or avenues will come to the fore. Good fortune will come later on. A new source of income could come through things involving papers, letters, books or mail, and money will be acquired through a new project, business deal or settlement.
Health: Stomach problems, nausea or troubles with your prostate gland are likely. Try not to be depressed. You will have a new reality soon.
Family & friends: Someone may take your side against another, or you could be parted from a friend or loved one. 

Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords, with the swords suit referring to the mind and communication, is the end of the cycle. The card suggests that whatever has been going on in your mind, possibly arguments or worries, should come to an end. The ideas are dead, and dwelling on the issues will leave your mind feelign weary, dull, and dead.

Focus: Coming to terms with that which you'd rather avoid. No progress can be made until issues are dealt with and cleared away. Probably feeling very low or deriving little pleasure from life, but positive developments are on the way and new resources will become apparent.
Romance: Disappointment. Facing facts. Things not going the way you planned. Go ahead, cry and get it over with... then move on.
Career & finances: Not smooth sailing. Possible demotion (if you don't quit first). The positive side is that luck will be with you financially and an unexpected bonus could be coming your way.
Health: Recovering from an illness or injury. Probably needing more exercise to increase circulation. Physical or outdoor activity could make a world of difference.
Family & friends: A friend or family member could help you out in a crisis. Accept the help that's offered.

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords can be a child or immature person who lives for new ideas of thoughts. They’re quick, almost like a computer. They tend to be a know-it-all, and at worst, someone who blurts out something they shouldn’t have said. This card can serve as a warning that someone may be telling your business. On the positive side, The Page of Swords may be a sign of a intelligence and a strong analytic nature.

Time Frame: April 20 - May 20 (Taurus)
Focus: Getting down to earth, dealing with practical or physical matters. Not wanting to be in the position you're in and confused about how to deal with it. Unseen elements beginning to surface. Someone (or something) could be instrumental in changing your life for the better.
Romance: You may want to walk away from or forget a painful relationship but won't be able to. Or you will want to end a relationship and will almost break up, but it won't end, it will continue in spite of everything.
Career & finances: May be researching new avenues. Effort, gradual development and perseverance will be required. Financial affairs could be at a standstill.
Health: Problems with your teeth, gums or muscles may be plaguing you and/or you could become more sexually active.
Family & friends: A relative could be planning a trip abroad. Friendships may take on new meaning... a second wind in your relationship?

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is a card of strong movement. In regards to travel, it may signify a flight. Otherwise, being a card of the suit of swords, it could indicate flying ideas—problems and challenges quickly appearing and being solved rather quickly. This card indicates rapidness, restlessness, and ‘just going for it.’ On the negative side, what could come along is an inclination towards irritability, in the form of bullying or cruelty, and taking on too much at a time. This card could represent a specific person in your life with these traits, in which case, hold them an arm’s length away. They are a positive person, willing to fight and die for their ideals, but they are not the warmest or most caring.
Focus: New or renewed activity. Positive changes in income, livelihood or status. Decisions to be made concerning  investments, partnerships, love life or living quarters.
Romance: Though you won't see it coming, you will soon be swept up in a powerful love affair that could change your life dramatically. If married or already involved, you'll have the support you crave and your concerns will vanish.
Career & finances: You're going to be very successful in your career, favorably aided by others, compensated for your work or efforts and increasing your assets or finances. You may also meet someone who will manage your career, subsidize you, or move you into a more prominent position. A very prosperous period is at hand.
Health: Your emotional state will greatly improve through the intervention of a friend or lover. But you may hear news of a serious illness or death befalling another.
Family & friends: Emotional discussions or talks of travel are probable. A new friend will change the course of your experience or eliminate a problem of concern.

Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords is a great person to know. They’re intelligent, like a walking encyclopedia. They can be aloof at first but once you get to know them, they’re a great conversationalist, able to talk with anyone on any topic, whether science, art, history, or random & obscure facts. On the positive side, this card may mean you are doing great things on a high level such as finishing a debate or getting a degree. On the other hand, it could indicate you are trying to much to ‘problem-solve’ in relationships, squinting at people like a puzzle you need to figure out, rather than holding them in closer.

Time frame:  August 23 - September 22 (Virgo)
Focus: The past will be gone and the future will look uncertain, but you'll be trying to "keep the faith" in spite of it all. Analysis, technical training or electronic devices could take on more significance.
Romance: You will be alone or separated from the one you love, and  feeling an emptiness nothing seems to fill. Learning to find satisfaction in things you can do on your own will alleviate much of your sorrow.
Career & finances: Waiting for something to develop. Projects may be difficult to launch and health problems could impede progress. Payments will probably be late and/or a financial agreement might not be honored.
Health: Having trouble carrying out plans but managing to press on and push though it.
Family & friends: You might get sad or upsetting news. A loved one could suffer a loss. May be feeling alone even when you're not.

King of Swords

The King of Swords represents a mature confidence in business and authority. It may represent a person in your life who is assertive and may even be domineering. While they may be friendly and helpful, you probably don’t consider them a friend. They are about business. Their primary motivation is getting things done.

Time frame:  September 23 - October 22  (Libra)
Focus: Struggling to succeed, attain goals or accomplish tasks. Challenging situations that will demand determination, behavior modification and discernment. If embroiled in a law suit or legal matter, all will end well.
Romance: Feeling like you've been living in a dream world. Realizing that dwelling on the past only causes pain. Needing to regroup and consider alternatives.
Career & finances: You'll be apprehensive about your work or the future and even if you're making money, the atmosphere will be tense.
Health: You or someone close to you may need to consult a doctor or specialist. Could be suffering from a low-grade infection or virus. Herbal treatments or anti-inflammatory medication might help.
Family & friends: Friction is indicated. Don't expect much support. May have (or make) friends in the police department, legal field or government.