The Minor Arcana, Part 3 (Cups)
(Cups)Suit Of Cups: Suit of cups covers with emotional aspects of the situation and resonates with element of Water. It goes into feelings and depth. Think of love, romance, attraction and emotional drives when we are talking about Cups. It also covers your feelings of happiness or depression.
To put it simple, Cups cover emotions and intuition.
When we talk about Cups in Tarot cards meanings, we talk about "I feel" rather than "I think".
Let me give you a very simple example. Let's just say you want to know "Is she into me?" and you use three card spread on this situation.
You get something like: Three of Cups, King of Pentacles and Eight of Swords.
Since cups are feelings and Three of Cups goes into "I highly value the friendship" aspect of a relationship, then you can easily say that she is into you. But instead of jumping straight in the bed, she FEELS to take things slower, as friends first. King of Pentacles in this case represents that not only she likes you and into you, but she also plans to physically make you feel like a... King!
She plans to support you in your material and physical goals and you can be assured that you have a very compatible woman behind your back when it comes to achieving your material goals. Honesty and loyalty clearly show here.
But 8 of Swords indicates that she is not the first one who will make a move. You have to make it first. Otherwise, she will just sit and wonder until you make a move or she gives up and finds someone else.
Remember, when it comes to Tarot card meanings and you get the Cups, you are dealing with feelings and emotions. This is a very basic, yet very powerful lesson you can learn to avoid over complication of things.
Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups usually signifies the glimpse of a new, grand emotional period in your life. You may be feeling a new welling of emotion in your relationship or relationships. As with all ace (or one) cards, this represents a tugging at your soul, not necessarily the beginning of action. This card indicates you have laid the foundation for a new beginning!
Time: Summer
Focus: Fresh starts. New beginning in love, creativity or business affairs. Happiness and pleasure. A heartfelt wish may soon be realized.
Romance: A call, visit or union with an admirer, will bring a refreshing change and a fresh start. A happy relationship, marriage or marriage proposal, is also indicated.Career & finances: Your best success will come through your creative, inspired or innovative ideas. Financially, you'll forge ahead in spite of worries and something will supplement your income or defrays part of your expenses. This could also indicate a pleasant financial surprise or making a decision to buy something you couldn't afford before.
Health: Excellent in every way - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually - and someone or something is going to lift your spirits... both personally and professionally.
Family & Friends: Planning a family visit or starting a family of your own. A new found friend will be stimulating, kind, and generous with his or her time or money.
Two of Cups
The Two of Cups carries the theme of partnership. Whether romantic, personal, or professional, it seems you have found someone with which you see eye-to-eye. Like all the two cards, this card presents a choice. Will you invest more emotion into the relationship, or keep it as a fond memory as you go your separate ways?
Focus: Assistance, support and cooperation. Reunions and reconciliations. Luck, laughter and pleasure. No matter what you are feeling now, you will soon experience a feeling of great joy, upliftment, love or concord.
Romance: Your affection could be torn between two; one old and one new. You may need to resolve an inner dispute first (like getting clear on what it is you need and want). A love letter, poem or card may be coming your way.Career & finances: Good news from influential people. Money coming in through work you like or love. Becoming more visible or reaching a larger audience. Success coming through the resolving of arguments or inner conflicts and in enlisting the aid or support of others in your career. Partnership or financial worries being resolved in a positive way.
Health: You may be talking to a professional. If not for yourself, than for someone close. A malpractice suit or personal injury case could also be discussed or decided upon.
Family & friends: Reunions with friends or family will be pleasant and you will enjoy the emotional affinity you share with another.. Good times ahead.
Three of Cups
The Three of Cups is a great card to get! It usually shows up when there is cause for celebration of abundance. The number 3 in numerology is a magic number. It means peace, harmony, and completion. (So this card may represent the completion of a project.) The happiness you feel is lasting and will be shared by the community around you.
Focus: Self-improvement, self-healing and self-love. Recovery and the end of strife. A change of attitude or spiritual awakening. Animals could be accented.
Romance: Longing to give all but needing the security of feeling loved first. A new beginning will bring great happiness. Problems will become a thing of the past. A suitor or mate may call or want to spend more time with you.Career & finances: Your mind may not be on your work. May be thinking about a new line of work; something more fulfilling or less taxing. Success coming through friends, social outings or connections and some or all of your expenses will be paid by another. Money coming in through payments, checks or money orders can also be expected.
Health: Over indulgence in food, drink or drugs. Try not to be so sensitive, over reactive or extreme. Being in the company of others, serving others or resolving arguments with your friends and family will bring pleasure and satisfaction.
Family & friends: You may be in for some upsetting news or an emotionally charged incident where a family member or pet is concerned, but you will be surrounded by many loving and supportive friends; friends you never knew you had.
Four of Cups
The Four of Cups is a card of dissatisfaction because at its heart, it is a contradiction. The suit of Cups is about water, movement, and flow. The stability of the number 4 runs contrary to that. This card may represent apathy and boredom in you. It may also signify that you are not appreciating what life is offering.
Focus: Material and physical aspects of life will be emphasized. You may be wanting emotionally. Learn to take your mind off your problems and concentrate on that which is more productive; an avenue of fulfillment will be available.
Romance: Obsessing over someone (or something) and hoping there's still a chance that things can work out, but there will be no union or an unresolved togetherness at this point.Career & finances: Contracts, accounting, ledgers or literature will need to be straightened out or resolved and you may need the help of another. A new job, assignment, or call for work is in the offing. Financial concerns will be dealt with effectively and you'll be very resourceful when it comes to acquiring money.
Health: An important project could end because of health reasons. You may be feeling deprived, dissatisfied or disillusioned with life. Conditions will improve however and so will your outlook.
Family & friends: Some family members will be supportive but others will not. A friend could help you get something you want.
Five of Cups
The Five of Cups suggests an obsession over what we would call “spilt milk.” It is a warning that if you only look at what you have lost, what remains goes unnoticed. Like the rest of the cups cards, this feeling is purely emotional. Your situation may not really be as hopeless as it seems. Stop staring down at what went wrong, and remind yourself to value what you have.
Focus: Delays, setbacks or let downs. Longing for something fun or fulfilling to happen, but depressed by obstacles and in no mood for further demands. Having to wait until a clear direction is revealed or what you really want arrives.
Romance: Wanting a real relationship and nothing less. No facsimiles or 8x10 glossies. Knowing in your heart that accepting a relationship that's contrary to your nature or being with someone just to satisfy the urgings of the moment would be an empty victory. If married or involved, it may be a union without love but you will feel obligated to stay.
Career & finances: Feeling burned out and not wanting to put any more effort into anything. But, if you want to get ahead or make more money, you'll have to be more assertive.
Health: Feeling tired, run down or emotionally drained. You could also be constipated or suffer from hemorrhoids. As hard as it may seem, taking more responsibility for your happiness could bring about a new beginning.
Family & friends: You and a relative or friend will soon part and you will be very sad and/or you will end cycle on an outgrown friendship.
Six of Cups
The Six of Cups, like all six cards, means a restoration of balance & harmony after a tumultuous and rocky new start. Because it is a cups card, it is bound up in your emotions. In this case, it is happiness… but not just happiness—a familiar happiness. This card is one that reresents an old friend or old passion coming back and adding joy into your life.
Focus: Environmental changes. Short trips or jaunts. Friends, lovers and relatives. Phasing something out in favor of another. Unexpected validation. Things working out better than anticipated. A prayer is answered.
Romance: Remembering an old love with wistfulness or fondness. Letting go of the past. Opening your heart to new possibilities.
Career & finances: A beneficial career boost. Recognition is on it's way. Success in publishing, writing or the media is indicated. Doing very well financially and making more money than anticipated.
Health: Slight problems. Your body could be out of alignment. Feeling nostalgic as you look back on the past and they way things were. Don't worry though, you'll push through it and meet your responsibilities.
Family & friends: Good news from or about a loved one. Lots of comings, goings and gatherings which may include a love interest from your past. An unexpected offer of love and support is also predicted.
Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups is the daydream card. It appears when you feel you have many options, so many to choose from, it’s difficult to make a decision. This card usually warns that this is an illusion—your flights of fancy about each option may be running wild, preventing you from making a real decision. The messsage of thise card is not to letyour emotions carry you away into fantasies and daydreams.
Focus: Searching for truth. Gut-wrenching, traumatic or life altering experience(s). Trying to quell a negative response or influence. Easier times ahead, be thankful and try to stay positive.
Romance: Vacillating in matters of the heart. Could be looking for the right approach (or mate). Or, there may be too many other things on your mind. If you don't unite or marry at this time, a new element will make the future look more promising.
Career & finances: Work, work, work... even if it's unrewarding. May not be feeling capable of mastering the steps it takes to succeed. An uplifting message from your boss or corporate head will surprise you. Small gains in finances. Take heed in financial matters.
Health: Anxiety attacks, possible leg problems. May be feeling introspective, inadequate or unfocused. Doctor may suggest more tests or treatment. Rest is very important.
Family & friends: Responsibilities could be overwhelming. You may need to talk to someone about your feelings. An uplifting friend may suggest a new business idea; a positive development.
Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups, similarly to the Four of Cups, is a card of contradiction. The suit of cups represents movement and flow, while the stability of eight (four doubled), suggests stagnation. This card is telling you that you hav stability and security but at a cost. You may feel like leaving something behind, whether because you were disappointed in it or because you have found something better.
Focus: Have gone as far as possible with something or someone. Time to move on. Put your trust in your Higher Power and a new direction will appear.
Romance: No fireworks, but definitely friends. Still missing that significant other in your personal life. If married, pent up feelings could cause the relationship to sour and you may make a decision to end it.
Career & finances: Business will expand or your skills will be sought after or in demand, but the price might be a personal loss. Praying for money but all that seems to come in are more bills. Don't worry, a fortunate adjustment will be made and troubles will be overcome.
Health: Feeling dismayed at the turn of events that seem to sabotage your best intentions, but in the final analysis, things will turn around and peace will be restored. Problems with your eyes; blurred vision, or an infection are possible.
Family & friends: You will do a favor for someone who's traveling, or you may make tentative plans to get together. Good news about someone's love life or livelihood is coming your way.
Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups is the representation of emotional fulflillment. In numerology, 9 represents wisdom. As an odd number, it also represents action–in this case, in the form of initiation. You have plenty to give to the people in your life, and as a result, you will receive plenty back!
Focus: Emotional time regarding material well-being, security or health. Wanting something but fulfillment is delayed. A wish finally materializes but may take another form than that which was envisioned.
Romance: Weighing the pros and cons of a relationship. May be afraid of taking risks. Want the same things as before but with a different partner or in different way. It can't be the same... it must be better.
Career & finances: Starts off bright, then turns dark, then bright again. Don't worry, after a slight reversal, you'll see material gain(s) and a good outcome can be expected.
Health: You'll enjoy the "things" that life has to offer - food, clothes, furnishings, or luxuries - and will be appeased or gratified by sensual or emotional pleasures. Stop worrying or you'll become an emotional wreck! Take an Excedrin PM and get a good nights sleep!
Family & friends: You may be discussing the care or treatment of a loved one. A friend will call with exciting news about your work, finances or a proposed endeavor; or you will call him or her.
Ten of Cups
The Ten of Cups is known for representing emotional fulfilment. You have found that you now have the tools to handle any emotional difficulty life throws your way. This card predicts happy times, new & rekindled relationships, and good things coming your way. Smile, be kind, and trust your emotional wisdom.
Focus: Freedom from work, worry or responsibilities. Congenial friends and atmosphere. Travel, or a relaxing trip, is likely. You will gain the support of others and your wish for fulfillment or a successful outcome will be granted.
Romance: A budding romance, unusual love affair or a fulfilling union is predicted. Strong feelings of love and devotion will surface. A surprise from an admirer or mate is also predicted. If single and hoping to marry, you may get your wish.
Career & finances: Mail, phone calls, lots of irons will in the fire. If wanting to get away or play hooky, you will do so. Financial prospects will look as though they are improving and you will meet people who will encourage you or help you build more confidence in yourself, your work or your plans.
Health: May have strange eating, sleeping and/or sexual habits. If ill, you will soon recover.
Family & friends: A happy home life. Someone could be moving away; possibly because of marriage. Long distance communication is indicated. If you go on an outing, don't be surprised if someone picks up the tab!
Page of Cups
The Page of Cups is an introspective youth or energy in your life, inclined towards art, and possessing a kind heart. They may let credit they deserve pass them by out of shyness. Not particularly ambitious but quite creative.
Time: February 19 - March 20 (Pisces)
Focus: Waiting for the future to unfold. Lots of meetings, discussions or work related projects keeping you busy. May need to define what you really want or need.
Romance: Driven by the desire for love and companionship or wanting a relationship to progress faster than it is. Possibility of meeting a new love through an increase in social activities.
Career & finances: Something essential may be missing, or someone could decide not to commit. Probably doing behind the scenes work or finishing what others start. Financially, you'll be holding your own.
Health: You could have problems with your feet, knees or legs and/or be highly impressionable or sensitive.
Family & friends: Fed up with some, but others will be quite enjoyable. An Invitation could be coming your way.
Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups represents a youthful adult who is fiercely loyal to those they love (and they love deep) but is prone ot depression. They are dreamy, sensitive, and may make dark but meaningful art. They are emotionally profound, romantic, and intense. This card may be warning of a time ahead that will be filled with emotional ups & downs.
Focus: Advancement. Socializing. Branching out into new worlds. Long-term conditions suddenly changing. Follow your hunches and don't allow anything to veer you off track. A fresh start and new level of experience can be expected.
Romance: You'll be surprised by a sudden flirtation, seduction, or romantic interlude. A marriage, union or living arrangement may be proposed. A different environment will make you feel less lonely or ease any existing tensions.
Career & finances: Being in a nurturing, supportive, working environment. Important news arriving affecting your future. Fun new project may be in the works. Positive changes in your finances, lucky breaks and swift, affirmative replies can be expected.
Health: Problems will be cured or controlled. Don't let doctors or health professionals intimidate you. You will soon have an overwhelming feeling of good or that something good is about to happen
Family & friends: A relative could be on the move or spending time away from home. An invitation from a friend or loved one will be coming your way.
Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups may represent someone in your life, or perhaps an energy within you, that is affection and sensitive. She is guided by emotions. This card is a sign to stay in touch with the gentle side of your inner aspects. Often a healer, she can tell when you are feeling off without you saying a thing, though she is so quiet, you may not notice her right away.
Time: October 23 - November 21 (Scorpio)
Focus: Work, home, romance or personal property will be emphasized. Wishes not yet materializing, but you'll have invisible, spiritual help and, in time, your prayers will be answered.
Romance: Social opportunities will increase and you may meet someone special close to home. You could be very willful about what you want and may propose a union yourself.Career & finances: Wanting your work to have value or meaning. Sales may not go well, but you'll make a favorable impression on others and attract gifts, favors, special consideration, or advantage.
Health: You could be upset, depressed, or feeling strained. Weight loss is also indicated.
Family & friends: You may experience problems on the home front. Try to keep your attitude in check so you don't get sucked into an emotional fray. Friendships will flourish and a new friend could teach, guide, enlighten or inspire you.
King of Cups
The King of Cups may signify an adult man in your life who is master of his emotions. He is kind, gentle, and loving as a fatherly figure. However, he may be prone to emotional manipulation, depression, and alcoholism at his worst. This card may suggestion motivation to start a family, be a new or better provider, and more emotionally mature.
Time: June 21- July 22 (Cancer)
Focus: Seeking financial independence. Contemplating a business of your own or one that can be run from home. Daydreaming about love or wishing you had someone special in your life.Romance: Life will offer several opportunities for romance, but those who try to exercise a claim will have to compete with stiff competition... your work or your "ideal" lover.
Career & finances: Business will take an upward swing. New projects will be in the making, and an occupational change or company relocation may be considered. Misunderstandings could arise if financial matters aren't clearly defined or dealt with up front.
Health: Feeling a bit cranky. Mood swings are also likely. May indulge in eating or drinking too much. Stop worrying or whining. Happiness can be found in your own backyard.
Family & friends: Relatives may come to stay with you or vice versa. Someone who cares a great deal for you will show you or tell you so.