Honey Spells

There are three ways I like to use honey for magic:

Dress Candles With Honey + Herbs
Use a candle in a color that corresponds to your needs, like red for energy or vitality, green for money, blue for healing, pink for love, and so on.  Also, pick 3 herbs that correspond to your needs and have them ground or crushed and mixed up ahead of time, laid out on a flat surface {a cutting board is ideal}.

Carefully wipe down the candle with a damp cloth to clean it physically and then hold the candle in your hands visualizing white light coming down through your head, through the crown chakra, down your arms and into the candle from your palm chakras.  See the white light clearing away any unwanted energy.  Put the candle down, shake your hands out, and pick it up again and this time hold the candle up to your heart center and state your intention out loud, pouring the intention from your heart into the candle.  As you speak, do it in a way that your breath will flow over the candle.

Now comes the honey!  Place a tablespoon or so of honey on the palm of the hand your write with {your power hand} and then gently dab the honey all over the candle while continuing to affirm your intention.  Once the candle is covered roll the candle in the herbs so they stick to the side of the candle.  Make sure to keep herbs away from the top of the candle and the wick so you don’t start a fire when you light it {herbs and burning candles can get a little tricky so be careful}.

When you’re ready to burn the candle place it in a holder with a plate underneath to catch any falling wax or herbs.  Light the candle and spend a little time focusing on your intentions.  Create an affirmation for your intention and use this as a mantra as you light your candle.  Let the candle burn out naturally, or if you need to, snuff it out and relight it later using your affirmation as you light the wick.

Flavored Honey
This is another simple thing you can do at home using specific herbs that correspond to your needs.  Pick only herbs that are safe to eat {very important}!   In a small baby food jar, or something similar, fill the jar about 3/4 of the way with honey and then add a 1/2 teaspoon each of 3 different herbs related to your intention.  Before adding each herb to your honey hold it in your hand and carefully tap it three times and then blow on it telling it your intention {this reawakens the energy and spirit of the herb and lets it know what it needs to do for you}.   GENTLY {because you can make a massive mess here} stir in the herbs into the honey.  You can add more helpings of the herbs if you’d like but make sure that you add an even amount of each {for example if you decide to add an extra helping of nutmeg, make sure you also add an extra helping of the two other herbs you’re working with}.

Every day, until the jar is empty, eat a teaspoon of this honey and herb mixture.  You can eat it right from the jar or you can mix it in with tea.  Before you eat it state your intentions through an affirmation you’ve created that corresponds to your purpose.

Honey Jars
In Hoodoo folk magick tradition, honey helps to sweeten people and energies to your favor but it also helps with making this move at a slower and more steady pace. Think of the phrases “slow like honey” and “like flies to honey”.  Magic done with honey has great sticking, staying, and lasting power and it really draws things to your well. Basically, the honey jar spell is about favor.

For this one, I picked up a Money Drawing Honey Jar Spell Kit from the Witchery to show you.

Honey Jar Money Spell Kit
This kit came complete with hand blended consecrated Lodestone oil, hand blended consecrated herbs, a spell scroll, candles, petition papers, vintage spoon, consecrated honey, and matches.

I bought the kit because it had everything I needed but never be constrained by what you do not have to process a spell or ritual. If you want to wait to gather all that you think you need, do so. If you want to improvise and substitute some things, do that. If you have no correspondences at the time, do it anyway. Our intent is the most powerful of all the energies that we impose on a spell. Of course the curios have energy. Of course they aide the spell or ritual or whatever, but they don’t MAKE it. Have confidence in what you are doing and move on it.

Honey Jar Money Spell Kit Honey Jar Money Spell Kit

Below is a recipe if you will, of how to put together and work a money honey jar spell. Feel free to add on and take away whatever you see fit to.

-a small jar with a lid
-honey or whatever sweetener you prefer
-a piece of natural paper
-a pen
-herbs that have the energetic flow of what you want to conjure
-candle (s) with the appropriate color energy (in this case green)
-candle-dressing oil (Money Draw, Attraction, Magnet, Lodestone, etc all are awesome for money drawing type work)

Take a piece of paper and tear it neatly on all four sides so there is no machine-cut edge. Once you have got your paper together, write the prosperity three times on it, one name under the other.
Then rotate the paper 90 degrees clockwise and write your own name across the prosperity's, also three times. This is called crossing and covering.
Now around the crossing, write your specific wish in a circle. If you need a guideline, lightly sketch the circle-shape with a pencil and then follow around it when writing with your ink pen. You must write your wish in one continuous run of script letters, with no spaces-- AND WITHOUT LIFTING YOUR PEN FROM THE PAPER. Do not cross your t's or dot your i's. Just write your words in one run and be sure to join up the end of the last word with the beginning of the first word, so the circle is complete. Then you go back and cross your t's and dot your i's. To make it easy to connect the word together at the end, make the petition in the form of short commands, such as "more money more money" or "I want a better job with more money."
If you make a mistake-- for instance if you lift your pen in the middle of writing your petition circle-- throw away the paper and start it all over again.

Take your blend of herbs and add a pinch to the center of your name paper, the leftover herbs can be used in another spell, sprinkled around your finished honey jar, or sprinkled in the places where your money and bank cards will touch them to enhance your honey jar money drawing.

Fold the paper in half towards you to bring what you want your way and speak aloud your wish as you do so. Turn the paper and fold it again and again, always folding toward you to bring what you want your way. Speak aloud your wish each time you fold the paper toward you. Fold it until it does not fold anymore.

Open the jar of honey. To make room for the folded paper packet, you will need to eat some of the contents. Take out a spoon's worth, and as you eat it say, "As this honey is sweet to me, so will my wallet be sweet with money." Push the folded paper packet down into the jar and close up the lid.

Dress an offertory candle with a money drawing anointing oil. Starting from the base of the candle upwards towards you, drawing the money to you. Stand the candle on the lid of the closed-up jar and light it. You can melt the candle to the lid with hot way if need be.

Let the candle burn all the way out. Do this every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for as long as it takes. Add each new candle on top of the remains of the last one.


Remember that as you work with any of these magical techniques that you need to keep your everyday consciousness focused on positive, clear intentions all while taking action in your life.