Money Magick

Money spells are popular in many magical traditions, and you can incorporate these into your workings to bring prosperity your way.

Rest assured, you don’t need to purchase everything I list in each spell.  After you have read this, you can make your choices according to which spell you prefer to use, then buy what you need accordingly.  I don’t want you spending a shedload of money to try to receive a shedload of money.

If in need, here are some items that all have money & success drawing attributes:
-Candles: either a large green candle that can burn for an hour over 7 or 8 days, or 7 or 8 green small spell/chime candles which can burn for an hour each
-Herbs:  cedarwood, dried orange peel, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaf, cloves, maple bark, ash bark, galangal root, nutmeg, allspice.
-Oils:  Patchouli, Orange, Ginger, Bergamot, Clove
-Crystals:  green aventurine, pyrite

💰 Money Drawing Incense 1:
-2 parts frankincense
-1 part cinnamon
-1 part nutmeg
-1/2 part clove
-1/2 part ginger
-1/2 part Sandalwood

💰 Money Drawing Incense 2:
-wood base 8 ounces w/green
-or cedar 8 ounces
-frankincense 4 ounces
-cinnamon 4 ounce
-sandalwood 2 ounces
-myrrh 1 ounce
-orrisroot 1 ounce
-nutmeg oil
-cedar oil

For Incense: You can use either a very fine sawdust or cedar as the wood base. If using a sawdust wood base, add green food coloring in a little water to the sawdust to tint it.

💰 Money Spell #1:
An easy little money spell anyone can do is to take a handful of coins and place on the floor (not where dogs, young children, or people thinking they’ve found spare change can pick them up) whilst chanting (at least three times) “Money on the floor brings money in the door”.

💰 Money Spell #2:
(Said while making 9 knots in green, 13-inch silk cord or ribbon)
By knot of one, my spell's begun
By knot of two, plenty fruitful work to do
By knot of three, money comes to me
By knot of four, opportunity knocks at my door
By knot of five, my business thrives
By knot of six, this spell is fixed
By knot of seven, success is given
By knot of eight, increase is great
By knot of nine, these things are mine

💰 Money Spell #3:
You need:
some money or pictures of cash, checks, and jewels to be placed on the altar for raising energy.

Put the money on the altar, not as an object to worship but as a symbol to your deep mind of what you want to obtain. You may wish to place a goddess statue or another religious symbol behind the symbolic wealth, as a reminder that money is not after the ultimate value. Then, chant to raise power. Your chant can be something like :

"Wealth , wealth , come to me , I deserve prosperity."

As the power moves toward its peak , imagine a huge transparent funnel over you, and huge amounts of cash , checks and other forms of wealth cascading down through it to pile up around you.

💰 Money Spell #4:
This one takes a bit more work:
This must be done on the proper Day and Hour of Jupiter**. I will explain more in a bit. You will need a Green Candle and a White Candle. The Green candle represents the money, and the white candle represents you. You may draw/carve money symbols on the green candle (£ or $ or whatever you use in your country) and then anoint the candles with a money-drawing oil, such as Orange, Patchouli, Clove, Bergamot, or Ginger,  thinking of your desire for money to come to you. Set the candles on your altar or table 8 inches apart. After doing this, say…(saying it 3 times or more is best)

“Money, money come to meIn abundance three times threeMay I be enriched in the best of waysHarming none on its wayThis I accept, so mote it beBring me money three times three!”

You need to start this Spell on a Thursday which is the Day of Jupiter and at the proper hour of Jupiter for your Latitude and Longitude. Repeat this for 8 days. Each day, move the White Candle one inch closer to the Green Candle. Allow the candles to burn for one hour before extinguishing and during this time, visualize money coming into your life. When the Candles touch on the eighth day, your spell is finished. This will end the Spell on a Thursday as well.

Each day you should find the proper Planetary Hour of Jupiter and do the Spell at that time. This will give it much more power. Jupiter is associated with money. Be sure you visualize the money pouring in from the Universe, but make sure you imagine a source of where that money will come from.

**** you can find the Planetary hours table here: to find what time the Jupiter hour(s) are for each day.

I may as well give you a list of which days and their corresponding planet:
Monday – Moon (voyages, travel, anything to do with water)
Tuesday – Mars (to acquire courage, overthrow enemies)
Wednesday – Mercury (answers about the future, divination)
Thursday – Jupiter  (money)
Friday – Venus  (love)
Saturday – Saturn (to acquire learning)
Sunday – Sun  (business)

Keep these in a convenient place or memorize them as they will be used again.

💰 Money Oil:
Blend this oil up ahead of time, and use in rituals calling for abundance, prosperity, good fortune, or financial success.

To make Money Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice.

Add the following:
-5 drops Sandalwood
-5 drops Patchouli
-2 drops Ginger
-2 drops Vetivert
-1 drop Orange

As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.

💰 Money Bottle:
Items needed:
-5 old pennies
-5 dimes
-5 quarters (or, five each of three denominations of your country's coin currency)
-5 kernels of dried corn
-5 sesame seeds
-5 cinnamon sticks
-5 cloves
-5 whole allspice
-5 pecans

Place each item into a thin, tall bottle, such as a spice bottle. Cap it tightly. Shake the bottle with your projective hand for five minutes while chanting these or similar words:

"Herbs and silver,Copper and grain;Work to increase  My money gain."

Place the money spell bottle on a table somewhere in your house. Leave your purse, pocketbook, wallet and/or checkbook near the bottle when at home. Allow money to come into your life.

💰 Money Jar:
You will need:
- the appropriate herbs
- a clear quartz
- a jar,
- a green candle.

-   Take the jar and fill it with the herbs and crystal(s) with the intent to get that money! As you add the ingredients, say your intent, for example:

 “Give me luck, prosperity, and wealth. Give me the scholarships, grants, and financial aid that I want for [school’s name]!” 

Repeat however many times you’d like.
-   After filling the jar, seal it and place the candle on top of the lid. Light the candle and allow it to melt and seal the jar. Say for example:

“With this seal, you are sealed to give me the money that I want for school. I bid it so it will be!”

-   Place the jar in the sunlight for as long as you’d like to give it an extra charge.
-   After the sun charges it, place it somewhere safe.

💰 Money Candle Spell #1:
You will need:
-a piece of petition paper (i use ripped up paper bags)
-a green or white candle (i use small ones)
-coins collected from around the home
-the appropriate dressing oil
-the appropriate herbs
-something to carve the candle

-   Go around your home collecting loose change with the thought of drawing good fortune and money towards you. Put these coins on a plate in a circle.
-   Take the petition paper and write your full name and birthdate in black pen. Now surround your name and DOB with the words “good fortune and money” in a circle without lifting the pen until your name is completely surrounded (I do this with a green pen). Add $ signs if you want to each corner of the paper and anoint it with oil. Fold the paper TOWARDS you to attract good luck and set it under the plate with the coins.
-   Take your green or white candle and carve your name and money signs onto it. Dress it afterward with whichever oil you chose. Dress the candle TOWARDS you, and afterwards dress the candle with the herbs.
-   Set your candle in the middle of the circle of coins, and light!
-   I put myself into a meditative state by watching the flame burn, putting all of my intention and energy into it. I do this for a good 10 or 15 minute and then let the candle burn.

💰 Money Candle Spell #2:
This is a money visualization spell which should be done regularly until you are happy with the amount of money that has come into your life.

What you need:
A green candle (you can use a chime candle, a taper candle, or a ritually charged wealth spell candle).

Let’s begin…
Take a green candle, and carve a dollar sign into it (or any other symbol which strongly represents money to you). Hold it in your hands and ask it to bring you money, charging it with money energy.

Light the candle, and imagine yourself being showered with gold dust. Feel it raining all around you. Maybe even dollar bills, coins, or treasures pile up around you. Chant the following:

“Golden rain, the magick is done
Money come to me, harming none” 

It’s essential that you really feel the wealth piling up around you; feel yourself becoming light and free and all your worries lifting. Feel joy in your heart. Do this visualization and chanting as long as you want, but recommended at least 5-10 minutes.

Do this on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To keep your spell going, continue this every week. Keep your channels open to where the money might come from, and stay open to new opportunities showing up in your life.

Hopefully, these help someone out, and you get blessed with a little luck!