The Major Arcana, Part 1 (0-7)
Cards 0 - 7: The Material WorldWithin the Major Arcana, there are three distinct groups of cards, each representing a different aspect of the human experience. The first set, Cards 0 - 7, reflect issues pertaining to the material world - situations related to job success, education, finances, and marriage. The 0 Card, the Fool, begins his journey through life, and travels the road throughout the cards. As he does, he learns and grows as a person.
0 - The Fool
The Fool is an oddity in the Major Arcana, because unlike his compatriots, he is numberless, and represented by a zero. In medieval times, the type of person we see now as a Fool was known as a jester, an innocent in the eyes of the gods, and as such he could get away with saying all kinds of inappropriate things. In fact, the Fool can say or do as he chooses. The Fool is traditionally portrayed as a young man, often a bit on the androgynous side.
In the Rider Waite deck, he is a courtly and almost foppish young man in a tunic and tights, preparing to set out on a journey. He looks exquisitely happy, almost as though he's daydreaming, and yet doesn't seem to notice that he's about to step off a cliff.
Keep in mind that the Fool doesn't necessarily represent foolishness, but more of an innocence to the ways of the world. When it comes to spiritual development, the Fool is in the earliest of stages. He's an infant, developmental-wise. In some decks, the Fool is portrayed as a troubadour, but he's nearly always dressed for style rather than substance. There's really nothing practical or sensible about the Fool and the steps he's about to take, but he doesn't care - it's time for new things.
In fact, when the Fool comes up in a Tarot reading, it's a sure sign that a new adventure or journey is about to begin. The Fool signifies a time of big changes, and big adventure.
The Fool is the agent of fortune, and despite the possible risks or unknown that lies ahead, it's worth it to follow one's heart and accept the new changes.
When reversed, the Fool indicates a tendency to "look before you leap". Think before you act, and accept that a lack of attention to detail could lead to costly mistakes later on.
This can also indicate a reluctance or refusal to accept personal responsibility. If a reversed Fool appears in your past, chances are good you wasted a lot of time. Did you spend most of college hanging out at frat parties instead of really learning? There's your Fool, right there.
The good news is that even a reversed Fool isn't bad - it just means you need to start paying attention to your surroundings. Be a free spirit without being naive, and seize the day without being reckless, and you'll be just fine.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Searching for happiness or spiritual direction. Letting go off wants and needs. Finding fulfillment in ways you had not envisioned.
Romance: Someone may want more from you than you are prepared to give. Might be having mixed emotions. If the relationship serves your growth, you will stay together. If not, you will move on.
Career & finances: Terminating unproductive areas. May take a leave of absence or quit to work on a much larger scale, possibly involving the public in some way. A financial decision will soon be made and expected money will finally arrive.
Health: May visit someone in the hospital. If a health decision or illness is concerning you, you will probably wait it out rather than go through something that may be unnecessary.
Family & friends: You will have to make a decision soon. Someone you know may be job hunting. If thinking about moving or a long distance trip, you may decide not to go right now.
1 - The Magician
The Magician is wearing a long robe. He stands before a table, or perhaps an altar. The flowers of nature surround him, and above his head floats the universal symbol of Infinity. On the table before him lie a cup, a wand, a sword and a pentacle, the four suits of the Tarot. The Magician is always in control of the choices that surround him. He holds a wand up to the heavens, and yet the opposite hand points to the earth.
When the Magician card pops up in a Tarot reading, consider it a warning of opportunity. The Magician reminds us to bring all the different aspects of our lives -- love, finances, morality and emotions -- together as a way of preparing for changes. The more prepared we are, the better equipped we are to face those changes when they come. Look at your organizational skills, and know that you can take power from outside and direct it within to manifest your will.
Some people see this card as a "power card." The Magician is the master of his own destiny, and brings about the changes he wishes to see, by his own will and action. It's a card that reminds us that by taking action, we can make big things happen. While the people around you may be impressed and amazed by your skills and influence, for you, making things happen is probably just a matter of course. For some people, it's just what they do.
If this card appears in the "past" position in a Tarot spread, it can sometimes show that you've achieved greatness of your own making - you worked hard, set goals, achieved them, and are now enjoying the results of your success. When it appears at the "present" location, it's a good sign that everything is where it needs to be for you to attain your goals - be yourself, surround yourself with the right people, and take advantage of opportunities where they present themselves.
You'll find that welcoming what the universe has to offer you - and manipulating it to your own advantages - will pay off in the long run.
Are you someone who works best behind the scenes? The Magician card often appears in people who have no interest in being in charge of everything, but make a great second in command. If you think of yourself as a Riker rather than a Picard, the Magician is your card - pull the strings to make things happen, and enjoy watching others benefit from your work.
When the Magician shows up reversed, it typically indicates a person (either male or female) who looks like a bit of a perfectionist but is completely falling apart on the inside. This is the person who appears to handle every situation calmly and coolly -- but in reality, they're unprepared and indecisive, due in part to their own inability to plan ahead.
This card can also indicate someone who will use power for destructive and negative purposes. Don't let yourself be sucked in by this person's charm and charisma, because they do not have your interests in mind.
Finally, a reversed Magician can sometimes serve as a bit of a reality check. Are you failing to live up to your potential, like it says on your freshman report card?
Take a long hard look at your own skills and abilities, and stop making excuses for why things aren't going your way.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: New beginnings in business or love. Becoming more goal oriented or motivated. Having the wherewithal to attract what you want. Manifesting the results you desire.
Romance: Expect a change in your love life. Though you don't think so now, a new romantic beginning or rekindled affair is at hand and a great love affair is imminent. But if you can't have the relationship the way you really want it, you won't be sure you want it at all.
Career & finances: Working on new projects or with new partners. Possibly landing a new job. Success in creative endeavors, ambitious enterprises and money matters, is assured.
Health: May be experiencing stress, or finding it difficult to ascertain the problem or find the right medication. Emotionally, you'll be very positive. Try not to be inconsistent.
Family & friends: A new course of action may ensue with a relative, or someone could make you feel slighted. Friends will offer sound advice.
2 - The High Priestess
This lovely lady is rich with symbolism. She sits serenely between the twin pillars of the Temple of Solomon, and holds in her lap a scroll of wisdom. She carries a cross on her chest, with arms of equal length, indicating the balance of darkness and light, of positive and negative. Behind the High Priestess hangs a curtain decorated with pomegranates and palm trees, symbols of the divine female and sacred male energies.
Her crown displays a full moon, and she is the symbol of every virgin goddess.
The High Priestess is the symbol of spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination, and the link between the seen and the unseen. She is balance and power in a feminine form. In a spread she often represents an unrevealed future with hidden influences at work, and a need to trust in one's intuition. If this card appears in a man's Tarot layout, the High Priestess may indicate the woman of his dreams, the love he has been hoping for. In a woman's reading, this card often indicates she is seeking the virtues of the High Priestess in herself or in a friend.
Are you someone who trusts your hunches, and knows that if your gut tells you something, it's probably right? Follow your instincts and intuition. The High Priestess is a card of knowledge learned and retained, which allows our subconscious to make informed decisions.
Whether it's intuitive, or just knowing something we didn't know we know, it's often a good idea to stick to your hunches. Interestingly, this card can also be a warning to avoid conflict and confrontation. If you know you're about to be challenged in a disagreement, sometimes it's hard to stick to your guns when your only justification is a gut feeling.
If you're someone who hates to argue, you may want to just avoid the situation temporarily - wait a while, and you'll probably be proved right anyway.
Reversed, the High Priestess symbolizes open knowledge and obvious facts that you've been ignoring. Not only that, you're probably denying your own intuitive hunches. Stop worrying about other peoples' needs, and what they think, and focus more on your inner voice. Allow yourself to be logical and straightforward, and embrace your intuitive guidance.
Occasionally this card reversed indicates a hidden agenda, or a feeling of deception. Is your feeling about someone that they're just a little bit "off," even though they seem fantastic on the surface? If you can't quite put your finger on what it is that bothers you, trust your instinct anyway. Watch out for gossipers and secretive people. Also, beware of so-called spiritual leaders who enjoy power trips more than they relish growth and development.
Finally, a reversed High Priestess can represent a superficiality of knowledge, particularly when it comes to metaphysical and occult matters. If you're reading a bunch of books on various topics, but retaining none of the information, or not bothering to put it into practice, then you're doing yourself a disservice.
Memorization is not knowledge, and it's certainly not going to impress anyone. Expand your horizons and test some new waters.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Wanting to follow through with a course of action but having to wait, learn, or assimilate something. A little bit of "stuff" to push through but conditions clearing up and smoothing out.
Romance: Putting love, or the one you love, out of your thoughts in order to avoid emotional entanglements or the pangs of desire. May be at a crossroad and wondering if you'll come together or split apart... only time will tell.
Career & finances: Business may be slow at first but it will pick up greatly later on, and making lots of money is predicted. A bonus or new career opportunity may also be forthcoming.
Health: Your discerning abilities will be quite astute. If ill, expect a speedy recovery.
Family & friends: Although in touch or communicating, you might be feeling alone or on your own. Someone may call for advice that would benefit through your guidance.
3 - The Empress
Here is the Empress, the earth mother, seated in a sunny field of golden grain. She wears a robe of flowers and a crown of a dozen stars in her hair, which is bound with a wreath of myrtle. At her feet lies a shield, shaped like a heart and inscribed with the symbol of Venus. The Empress is the goddess of love and fertility, she is known as Aphrodite and Venus and so many other names.
When the Empress arrives in a spread, look for material wealth and abundance, as well as fertility - not only for hopeful parents, but also for artists and other creative types.
For more mature people, the Empress can symbolize the security and stability that comes with many years of wedded bliss.
This is one of the many Tarot cards in which the artwork is so representative of the meanings behind the cards. Look, for instance, at the crown she's wearing. It's made from a dozen stars - these represent the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and symbolizes the Empress' control and mastery over all twelve of them. She sits on a fancy throne, with shiny trinkets and baubles - while she may be a little spoiled or even superficial, she has a good life and doesn't mind enjoying her own wealth. If the Empress appears in your Tarot layout, keep in mind that she often represents a sense of contentment, and pleasure in what you have, particularly in terms of family and home life.
However, there are downsides to being perfectly content. You may feel like you've plateaued, and that it's time to do something more challenging.
Life is good, you've got a happy life and a wonderful home... now consider stepping outside your comfort zone and doing something else. The Empress can often be a passive card, by which we mean that it represents the Querent merely in terms of how it relates to other cards. This is a good reminder to consider how your actions and words impact others.
Have you said something off the cuff that led to hurt feelings? Rather than dismissing other people as "too sensitive," own your mistakes and make it right.
Reversed, the Empress often indicates some disharmony on the domestic front. Sometimes, these problems may be connected to either physical infertility or financial irresponsibility and loss. When you see this card reversed, take some time to think about what's causing disruption in your home. A reversed Empress can also show some sense of dependence on others for gratification. If you're only defining yourself by your relationships with other people - wife, mother, daughter - and you have no individual identity, it's time to start cultivating your sense of self.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Passive rather than active activities. Time to reflect, take in the great outdoors, and connect with others. Success coming after a delay.
Romance: You will long for love and affection but won't be content to be a surface lover or to have a surfacy relationship.
Career & finances: You'll probably take time off or reschedule appointments. May work in the human potential field, do something creative, or want a profession that helps others actualize their potential. It will take time but money will come.
Health: Your back may be bothering you. Try to take more breaks and get in touch with your body. Go outside for clarity and inspiration.
Family & friends: Somebody close could be concerned about their home or property. Communication problems, or wanting to say something to someone but not being able to, are probable. Female interactions may be emphasized.
4 - The Emperor
The Emperor is majestic and has a commanding presence. We know he is a man not to be trifled with, because he has twin rams' heads -- symbols of Mars -- upon his mighty throne. In one hand he holds the ankh, the sign of eternal life, and in the other a globe. He is the fourth card in the Major Arcana, and in numerology four is a number of foundation and stability. The Emperor is domination of the material world, and he is authority and law.
When the Emperor appears in a Tarot spread, he shows not only authority and law but also paternity and power. The Emperor is a war-maker, a leader, and represents the results of taking action. In some cases, he may represent a highly controlled sexual drive. Some people see the Emperor as a father figure - not necessarily a biological parent, but a strong and assertive individual who offers guidance and wisdom when needed, although not always when wanted.
Are you someone who really feels a need for control in all aspects of your life? This doesn't necessarily mean being aggressively controlling of others, but if you're someone who doesn't like to leave things to chance, and you tend towards a need for order and organization, the Emperor may well appear in your layout. People who are compulsive tidiers, planners and list-makers often see the Emperor as a card with which they can identify.
The important thing to note about the Emperor is that in traditional Tarot artwork, he often appears as an older man, with a long beard.
This symbolizes that his wisdom has been gained through life lessons and experience. He's not just spouting off commands, he's got the history to give him some authority on important matters. Use your own experience and background to put you in a position of leadership, and you may well be able to bring order to a chaotic situation.
If the Emperor appears reversed in your reading, look out. He indicates emotional immaturity and an inability to "leave the nest" and separate from parents. This reversal is also connected to a loss of control, and symbolizes things that happen when one doesn’t take action at all but sits passively on the sidelines. Think of the reversed card as the upright Emperor's spoiled, nasty twin brother. Control and order becomes domination and abuse. Authority and leadership turns into petty maliciousness.
Sometimes the reversed card can indicate an absolute disregard for authority. If you want to stand up for what you believe in, great - but don't be a rebel just because you think you're supposed to be. Quit showing contempt just for contempt's sake, and channel your individuality into something useful. Have a purpose and goal to guide you.
When the reversed Emperor appears in a spread concerning relationship questions, it can indicate that the partnership is not an equal one. Is one party controlling and abusive and needy? Is it you, or the other person? Figure out where the disparity is and do what you can to fix it.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Unexpected progress. Ideas finally bearing fruit. Planning for the future. Laying new foundations. Friends surrounding you and fostering your growth. Possible male help.
Romance: You will be doing a lot of thinking about one who exerts a strong influence or dominant force over you and he/she will be thinking about you. When you hear from him/her, you will make plans to get together.
Career & finances: Discussions concerning contracts, profit sharing, or management are probable and an increase in finances will afford you the opportunity to have more luxuries. If worried about a check, it will be made good. Luck will be with you in financial matters and in achieving most, if not all, of your goals.
Health: You may need to see a dentist. If you're concerned about a tumor (not necessarily yours), it won't be serious. Emotionally, you will enjoy sensual pleasures or a rewarding personal relationship.
Family & friends: If planning to visit the home of a relative, the visit may be postponed; or someone could be lying to a relative or misrepresenting the facts.
5 - The Hierophant
The Hierophant sits between twin pillars, much like the High Priestess does. In the Kabalah, the pillars are from the tree of life, one representing Mercy and one Severity. One is law, one is free will. Both, however, are necessary, because man must make choices as to whether he will obey or defy. A pair of keys lies crossed at the Hierophant's feet, symbolizing currents of solar and lunar energy.
Two priests kneel before him, one wearing the roses of desire and the other the white lilies of logical reason.
In some Tarot decks the Hierophant appears as the Pope, because he symbolizes the ruling power of religion and faith, the orthodox teachings that are palatable to the masses. This is in contrast to the High Priestess, who teaches secretly and only to those who are initiated into her mysteries.
When a Hierophant card comes up in a Tarot reading, look for some indicator of a preference for ritual and ceremony. In part, this can be interpreted as a need for acceptance from others, even from society as a whole. Think of it as a desire for institutionalized approval.
The Hierophant indicates the importance of conformity - but keep in mind that belonging to a group isn't necessarily bad. In general, some degree of conformity is the mark of a civilized society. After all, many of us - particularly those of us in non-mainstream religions - want to find a sense of community.
How do you find that? By finding like-minded people to hang around with. Just be cautious that you're not giving up your individuality to meet the approval of the group - continue to remain who you are, but allow yourself to expand your horizons.
The location of the Hierophant can be important as well, and can change the card's message a bit.
If it's in the "present" part of a Tarot card layout, it often can indicate someone who's found a new cause to be passionate about. Whether this is a new discovery of spirituality, getting involved in politics and activism, or just embracing a new philosophy on life, it signifies big changes in not only the self but the world outlook. Interestingly, in the "future" position, the Hierophant can represent these big changes moving towards you - often in the form of a charismatic and organized individual who will have a profound impact on the way you see the world and yourself. Again, this does not necessarily have to be bad - just make sure you're listening for the right reasons.
A reversed Hierophant shows someone who's open to new ideas and willing to think outside the box. This is the card of the non-conformist -- the rebel, the hippie, the artist who colors outside the lines. When reversed, the Hierophant indicates that it's time to do some unconventional thinking - and sometimes this means standing up and speaking out against the people you used to follow blindly.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Wanting to establish a deeper bond with someone or to unbind the bonds that block, restrict, or keep you from getting what you want. Obstacles curtailing your progress. Opportunities coming through the untried or the new.
Romance: Romance will enter your life but you may sacrifice it altogether rather than have a relationship that isn't right.
Career & finances: A presentation or business venture may fail and someone will forget or neglect to pay or mail money that is owed to you, but on the whole, your financial position will be stable. A better opportunity, more aligned with what you want, is coming.
Health: May experience chest pains, shortness of breath, or other respiratory problems. Stress could be a big contributor.
Family & friends: You'll want to keep the peace and not make waves. A Conflict could arise with someone you'd rather not confront, but you'll handle it well.
6 - The Lovers
A heavenly being hovers in the sky, beneath the Sun, and he is the angel Raphael. He is looking down upon two nude figures, a man and a woman. She symbolizes the subconscious mind, the High Priestess and the Empress, while the man by her side is the Magician and the Emperor. Behind the woman is the tree of knowledge, and a serpent twines through its branches and offers the tempting fruit. These two lovers stand here in harmony, hiding nothing from one another, and they know that to have a successful life together they must find balance between the conscious mind and their subconscious desires.
In some decks, this card is portrayed as one man standing between two women, and clearly being forced to make a choice between them. When the Lovers appear, it doesn't necessarily have to do with physical or romantic love. Instead, it traditionally indicates someone who must make a decision and overcome temptation. The Lovers show us that we have choices, and that we are beings who struggle between sacred and profane love. This card represents the balance between the inner and outer aspects of our lives.
In some Tarot layouts, the positioning of the card is just as important as the symbolism. For instance, if the Lovers appear in the "past" aspect of a spread, it can often indicate that whatever you're dealing with now will be influenced by a strong, loving partnership. Whether this is a long term relationship of your own, or one that you've grown up around - parents or grandparents, for instance - it's going to help form the framework of how you handle the current issues.
If you're single and looking to change your relationship status, and the Lovers appear, often this is a good sign. For some people, it can mean there are lost of fish in the dating pool. For others, it means that you get to be choosy - learn to figure out which criteria are your dealbreakers in a potential partner, and then stick to your guidelines.
No need to just settle for whatever comes along, when it comes to long term relationships.
When reversed, the Lovers show us the possibility of poor choices, quarrels, and infidelity spawned by temptation. This card indicates a need to stabilize the emotions and get in check with our rational selves, and to put aside our carnal desires. Do you find yourself facing choices in which your heart - or your libido - says one thing and your brain says another? This is where the Lovers card appears.
If the Lovers card appears together with the Devil card, often it means that there is outside influence or unhealthy obsession that is clouding your judgment.
Keep in mind that the Lovers card is about pretty significant stuff in your life - which means that the choices and decisions you make can bring with them some long term ramifications. While many Tarot cards - the Fool, for instance - have various right answers to your questions, and results may vary depending on the path you choose, with the Lovers it's pretty cut and dried. One choice is a good one, and the other is not. Use your common sense, and don't make hasty decisions, because chances are good you'll come to regret them later. Worse, lots of people will be hurt in the process if you open the wrong door.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Sudden or unpredicted changes. Interesting experiences. Unions, meetings and choices to make. Coming to the right conclusions. Serendipitous happenings.
Romance: A separation from a loved one could make you feel frustrated or alienated. Or you may be feeling trapped in a dead-end relationship or marriage. If single, a surprise call from an admirer can be expected.
Career & finances: Problems could be a blessing in disguise. Unexpected gains coming from a new direction. You'll have the money to cover your expenses. Trust a little more, a tiny bit of faith goes a long, long way.
Health: Building a healthier body or mind. Getting more exercise, attending to nutrition, and an active sex life, is predicted.
Family & friends: Needing to confront a person that's bothering you or placing too much of a burden upon you. The rift won't be resolved until it's communicated.
7 - The Chariot
The chariot is one of the most complex cards to define. On its most basic level, it's about getting what you want. It implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory over enemies, obstacles, nature, the uncertainties inside you. But there is a great deal more to it. The charioteer wears emblems of the sun, yet the sign behind this card is Cancer, the moon. The chariot is all about motion, and yet it is often shown as stationary.
What does this all mean? It means a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. That is perhaps the most important message of the Chariot. Separate the driver form the chariot, the chariot from the horses, the horses from each other and from the driver, and nothing gets done. They all do their own thing. Put them all together, with the same goal in mind, and there will be no stopping them.
Confidence as well as unity of purpose and control is needed, and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again. It can also imply, on a more pragmatic level, a trip (usually by car).
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Trying to decide what action to take or if you should take any. Something occurs that changes your way of thinking or perspective. Things working out better than anticipated and a dilemma, resolved.
Romance: Your thoughts may be on someone who is away; you will want to be with him or her and when you talk, the two of you will make plans to get together. Passions will be strong or grow fast. Don't be afraid of being vulnerable or sharing your feelings.
Career & finances: Wondering if you should follow through with your plans but will be driven to do so. You will have to confront someone over a money issue, but your arguments will be successful.
Health: Take it easy. Don't push yourself so hard or you'll end up sick or exhausted.
Family & friends: Time restraints could make you feel pressured. If you and a friend had an argument or disagreement, it won't last.