The Major Arcana, Part 2 (8-14)
Cards 8 - 14: The Intuitive MindWhile the first section of the Major Arcana deal with our interactions in the material world, the second group of cards focuses more on the individual being, rather than societal issues. Cards 8 - 14 are based upon how we feel, instead of what we do or think. These cards are attuned to the needs of our hearts, as well as our search for faith and truth. It should be noted that in some decks, Card 8, Strength, and Card 11, Justice, are in opposite positions.
8 - Strength

Shown upright, the Strength card reminds us that we are in sight of our goals, and that spiritual power can help us overcome material desires. Be patient and persevere, and eventually your force of character will shine through. When this card appears in the reversed position, it can often indicate someone whose life is ruled by material gain, rather than emotional or spiritual balance.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Challenging situations pertaining to business, family, finances or the past could possibly arise. Have faith and it will all work out. The seeds you sow today will be the garden of your tomorrow.
Romance: Hanging on to a past relationship is keeping you from moving on. Let go and get on with your life, a brighter future awaits you.
Career & finances: Summoning up the energy and facing the challenge. May be involved with philanthropic work or self-help material. Results may be slow but you'll get a lot accomplished. Money that was promised will arrive and arguments or appeals will be won.
Health: You may be troubled by the past or something connected with the past, but you'll have the strength and spiritual fortitude to overcome any problem or handicap.
Family & friends: Possible squabble over an imagined slight or resentment stemming from the past. An old friend will return or call... a positive development.
9 - The Hermit

The Hermit stands upon a snowy mountaintop, looking out upon the world. In one hand he holds the lantern of truth to guide seekers below. When the Hermit appears in a reading, know that you have a chance to receive wisdom from the Divine, or from the spirit world. The Hermit reminds us that our goals can be attained, but the journey is not always smooth or easy. A reversed Hermit card shows someone who is unwilling to listen to the wisdom of their elders, or who refuses to take advice even when it's offered from knowledgeable sources.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Problem solving, perfecting or completing. The final stage of one phase of your life and a new plateau or lifestyle awaiting you.
Romance: An old flame or romantic interest could reenter your life but you may still be strangers. Some special communication will be implemented however, and loneliness or enforced isolation will end.
Career & finances: Productivity will increase and people will seek you out for your area of expertise. Recognition and financial success are coming your way.
Health: Tests or medical check ups are on the horizon but they'll turn out just fine. Emotionally, a feeling of loss is about to change into a feeling of great relief and joy.
Family & friends: Talking to someone long distance. If you and a loved one had a falling out, it will soon blow over. A friend could provide a solution to problem you've been wrestling with.
10 - The Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune card reminds us that we're not always governed by chance or fate, but that we have the power to change our lives. When this card appears in a spread, expect success thanks to some intelligent decisions, a change of fortune for the better, or significant creative evolution. Reversed, the Wheel indicates stagnation and setbacks. New conditions and unexpected changes require you to be courageous and take some big steps, but remember that the energy you put into an endeavor will come back to you many times.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: A Change of plans or conflict of interest. Unforeseen developments occurring. News arriving effecting your career or finances. Situations may be temporarily out of your control.
Romance: Someone from your past may return but you'll be undecided as to how you want the relationship to progress. A negative cycle will end followed by an important decision.
Career & finances: Might not be happy with current position or financial status, but destiny will step in and alter your fate. A cycle will finally be completed and new light will be shed on a troubling financial matter.
Health: Many ups and downs. Probably needing to cut down on sugar or starch. Suppressed emotions could cause a negative physical reaction.
Family & friends: Someone may become a burden or source of aggravation, and/or you could hear news that ill health has befallen a friend.
11 - Justice

When Justice appears, know that justice will be done. Fairness and balance will rule the day. In terms of personalities, the balanced individual is one who knows how to get rid of excess baggage and toxic relationships, while maintaining positive and uplifting influences in their life. The Justice card may also symbolize a desire for higher education, leading to a well-balanced mind and soul. Reversed, this card indicates legal problems and complications, and the possibility of a losing outcome in legal matters. It also can be a reminder to use mercy and compassion when judging others, and to avoid being unnecessarily harsh.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Trying to understand the circumstances in your life. Legal matters, financial concerns or "cause and effect", will be weighing heavily upon you. Justice or fairness seems to be at issue. The only recourse is to wait for time to take its course.
Romance: Reviewing the quality of your relationship(s). Quantity rather than quality may be the case. If married or involved with someone, a tense situation will become more flexible.
Career & finances: Someone may put you down or make you feel that your job or financial security is in jeopardy, but with time and reorganization, justice will prevail. You will succeed in recognizing what's wrong and come to the right conclusions or decisions.
Health: May need dental work or a second opinion. Also, there could be a lack of fulfillment on a personal or emotional level of expression because an essential ingredient is missing.
Family & friends: A family member may be having problems with his or her mate. If you are having problems you will be the one who has to resolve them.
12 - The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is a card of profound significance, although a lot of its meanings are hidden. This card is an indicator of wisdom as yet untapped or undiscovered, and even of prophetic power. The Hanged Man shows us a pause in our life, a moment of suspension in time. When reversed, the Hanged Man shows us someone who is resistant to spiritual influences or refused to accept that sacrifices must be made in order to grow and evolve. There is a sense of self-absorption, and of being too wrapped up in material matters.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: A complete reversal of thoughts, activities, or values. May be feeling "hung up" or hamstrung. A new direction or understanding will emerge bringing new meaning, purpose and inspiration to your life.
Romance: Waiting to see what a lover or mate is going to do. Could be suffering or feeling like a martyr, if you can't have the one you really want.
Career & finances: Worrying about the value of your work, or your ability to sustain yourself financially, but you're going to be pleasantly surprised by a financial opportunity that is about to come your way.
Health: Impending situations or existing conditions will cause much suspense or anxiety, but you're going to have the wherewithal to handle rough situations effectively.
Family & friends: You can expect a pleasant visit with someone you haven't seen in awhile and a friend or loved one will assist you in your plans.
13 - Death

People tend to fear the Death card, but really, there's no reason to.
This card, despite what is often portrayed on television and in movies, doesn't have to signify physical death. Instead, the Death card shows us that there is perpetual transformation, one aspect of which is the cycle of birth-life-death-rebirth. This is a card of change and regeneration. Reversed, the Death card represents stagnation without change or a tendency to inertia. It can also show someone who refuses to adapt to change or accept new things.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Wanting things to change radically. Feeling you can't go on with the status quo. Having to let go of something (or someone) cherished. Negative situations coming to an end. Rising up again at a later date or in a different form and beginning anew.
Romance: Feeling short-changed in a romantic involvement. Wanting so much more than you received. A relationship finally ends, but your love for that person may not.
Career & finances: Hopes, income or promises may be severed. Possible job loss or cancellation of funding predicted. Try to hang on. It may take time, but you will have luck in a new business enterprise, and income thought lost will be retrieved, revived or reinstated.
Health: Discussions about health, death, or dying. Positive thinking is the best medicine.
Family & friends: A Happy gathering with loved ones is in store. If you and a friend can't get together now, you'll have another chance later.
14 - Temperance

The Temperance card shows us that we must learn to transfer our imagination into activity, allowing us to develop our will. Temperance also reminds us to work in harmony with others, and that we can find successful results with well-thought teamwork. When reversed, Temperance is an indicator of poor combinations - toxic relationships, bad business investments, possibly even corruption. Look at this as a warning to re-evaluate issues at hand, and find a better balance.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Feeling tested. Old feelings, behaviors or problems getting stirred up again. Seeking spiritual assistance in finding solutions. Facing your fears and transforming negative situations into positive ones.
Romance: You are going to have an unexpected call or encounter with an admirer, someone you were attracted to or involved with in the past who's returned as if to have a last go-around or to close that chapter in your life for good.
Career & finances: Your desire for change will be so intense, that it comes bringing the very thing you want. Follow up on money leads and a positive chain reaction will ensue. One thing will lead to another and a moderate degree of success will be attained.
Health: A previous health condition could resurface and medical attention may be required.
Family & friends: Your relatives will be very understanding and there for you with the right word or gesture. But someone from your past may reappear only to disappear again.