All That Shimmerzz
I bought some beautiful Crystals from Jennie at All That Shimmerzz recently, and I can't stop swooning over them.
I purchased a rose quartz sphere, and 5 towers: quartz, 2 rose quartz's, rainbow fluorite, and an Aventurine.
-the clear quartz (left) is the most common mineral in the Earth's crust. Because of how common it is, clear quartz is most likely the least expensive crystal out there. The name "quartz" comes from the Greek derivative krustallos, meaning 'ice,' as it was thought that quartz was actually ice formed by the Gods. Since the Middle Ages, spheres made of rock crystal have been used to predict the future (crystal balls, anyone?). Almost every witch who works with crystals will have at least one piece of clear quartz in their collection, just for the sheer versatility it offers as a crystal.
I purchased a rose quartz sphere, and 5 towers: quartz, 2 rose quartz's, rainbow fluorite, and an Aventurine.
-the clear quartz (left) is the most common mineral in the Earth's crust. Because of how common it is, clear quartz is most likely the least expensive crystal out there. The name "quartz" comes from the Greek derivative krustallos, meaning 'ice,' as it was thought that quartz was actually ice formed by the Gods. Since the Middle Ages, spheres made of rock crystal have been used to predict the future (crystal balls, anyone?). Almost every witch who works with crystals will have at least one piece of clear quartz in their collection, just for the sheer versatility it offers as a crystal.
Essentially, clear quartz is universally handy; if you don't have a particular stone for a spell, you bet clear quartz can do the job! In addition to its amplification properties, its unusually good for protection and healing spells, as well as providing clarity. If you're a student having trouble studying or having trouble focusing at work, meditating with some clear quartz might help you out.
-the rose quartz, gets its name from the rosy pink hue of the stone. The color is caused by small amounts of titanium in the crystal. The color of rose quartz ranges from pale shades of pink to rose-pink to rose-red. Occasionally it has a faint purplish or lavender cast. Rose quartz is considered the stone of universal, unconditional love. The stones are often carved and tumbled into heart shapes to further reinforce this idea. Witches whose craft is focused around love and/or self-love often have several of these stones, used in rituals and spells to strengthen love.
Rose quartz is used to purify and open the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. It can be used to help bring comfort in times of grief. Rose quartz dispels negativity and protects against emotional pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, invoking self-trust and self-worth to those who use it.
Those with mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression can find rose quartz helpful on their road to recovery; though, of course, crystals are not a replacement for therapy and medication. Always get help from doctors before supplementing with crystals.
-the aventurine is a microcrystalline quartz that contains various mineral inclusions that give it a sparkling appearance. Aventurine is usually green, but it can also be peach, brown or blue.
Aventurine brings good luck and good fortune, clears emotional stress, and it is said to attract money. Lore says that it enhances prosperity and brings career success. Green Aventurine is also for increasing one's perception and creativity. Aventurine is supposed to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, providing a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. Aventurine brings friendship to one's life. It is a stone of protection energies. Folklore and metaphysical lore say that physically it is beneficial for blood, circulatory system, heart, headaches, sleep disorders, and healing. Green Aventurine harmonizes well with moldavite, moonstone, morganite, and green and pink tourmaline. Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra. Placed on the heart Chakra removes anxiety and stimulates dreaming. (Worth a shot I suppose.)
-the rainbow fluorite is perhaps one of the most underrated but also one of the most powerful. This stone is known to quite literally suck negative energy and low vibrations from a space or your body, and create room for the light to shine in. Found in multiple color variations, fluorite is a truly magical crystal.
It is used for auric protection, to raise your vibration, alchemize negative energy, and calming a chaotic mind. Rainbow fluorite is most known to stabilize the mind and amplify psychic connection and heighten intuitive powers.
It is used for auric protection, to raise your vibration, alchemize negative energy, and calming a chaotic mind. Rainbow fluorite is most known to stabilize the mind and amplify psychic connection and heighten intuitive powers.
This dynamic stone can be used when studying to clear the mind and sharpen focus. It can also be used to alleviate inflammation in the body, dissipate cold symptoms, and can be healing for the mucous membrane as well. It is highly protective and helps to ground and harmonize spiritual energy. It also helps to increase intuitive abilities when working with the upper chakras, linking the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops a connection to spirit.
Jennie also threw in a few tumbled stones for me! Aaaaw...
Dealing with All That Shimmerzz has been an absolutely pleasant experience. I highly recommend checking out Jennie's shop if you're looking for beautiful, high quality minerals and crystals from all over the world!