The Witchery Market
I went to the Witchery Market (facebook link) with my Husband and our daughter's!
OooOo Witchy Vendors, Crafts, Tarot Readers, Free Presentations, & More!
There was a lot of neat stuff, but unfortunately, I didn't get close enough to much of it to really purchase anything.
Amongst the chaos, I did, however, manage to grab this beautifully handcrafted necklace from Hexelheim (because I was damned if I was going home without making a witchy purchase!). I'm absolutely in love with it! It was copper electroformed by a single woman operation who aspires to compose unique adornments from a variety of raw organics. I would have bought much more from her if I wasn't being scootched over by other shoppers.
We were in and out fairly quickly because it was way too crammed pack. I could barely move lol
On the way out my Husband (being the sweetheart that he is), stopped at The Witchery's table (which thankfully was near the front doors so it wasn't sardined like the rest of the place - photo above), grabbed my pre-purchased goody bag and a mystery pumpkin for myself and our daughter Ava.
I'm happy with what we got! It's too bad though, I would have loved to have done more shopping. I hope the next market is at a much bigger venue.
I was hoping to snag some more green candles while there, but there was no way... Even if someone was selling some, I'd never have been able to tell! It was all good though, on my way home I just stopped at my long-time favorite Curio shop (Sanctuary) and picked some up there along with some other fantastic goodies! So all in all, this day was a witchy success!