The White Witch Parlour

*squee!*  more goodies from The White Witch Parlour!  I've got quite the collection going!
The White Witch Parlour

So what's new?--

The White Witch Parlour
The White Witch Parlour
-Lavender buds: For Relaxation, Divination, Meditation & Sleep.
Once tied to 16th Century Prostitutes, who use to bathe & wash their clothes in the perfumed water of Lavender, to attract lovers, this gentle herb has long been associated with Love. It 'calms the waters' of the spirit, reducing stress or anxiety, that may plaque the mind from underlying doubts or fears. It entices one to dig deeper within their subconscious mind, creating a portal for lucid or vivid dreams, which may help one along their path or answer questions that have been troubling the individual. Associated with the Third Eye, psychic practices & meditation, Lavender was ritualistically tossed into bonfires, to open the window to the spirit realm, while diverting evil spirits & offering protection against the Evil Eye.

-Cornflower: For Psychic Awareness, Self Knowledge, Ritual.
Cornflower's natural indigo coloring vibrates to heal the Third Eye Chakra, working to awaken one's psychic awareness, enhance self-knowledge, heal intuitive blocks & access inner wisdom. Cornflower is a powerful took for Indigo Children that seek their spiritual connection when carried as a talisman, consumed as an herbal tea or used in meditation rituals for spiritual abundance.
Add Cornflower to tea to help aid in divination practices & psychic development.

The White Witch Parlour
The White Witch Parlour
-Anise Stars: For Clarity, Awakening & Clairvoyance.
Tied to the familiar taste of black licorice, Anise is known to suddenly snap you out of the mundane mindset & shift your attention to something new. It 'awakens' your mind to bring clarity to a situation, as it helps you "see" past the current view & bring a better understanding from a new angle. Conjuring spirits or trying to contact other dimensions is enhanced with the powers of Anise, as its crisp aroma takes us to new vibrational levels, helping us to better tap into our subconscious mind & see things through the mind's eye. It elevates our spirit & protects the aura, so that we may find comfort in journeying into the unknown. In the shape of a star, it creates the image of a pentacle, bringing awareness to the associations of the mystery of the occult & the potential we hold when we are 'one' with all things around us.  Anise can intensify our dreams & strengthen our connection to spirit.

-White Sage: For Purification, Wishes & Ceremony.
White Sage can be used to spiritually cleanse spaces, houses, rooms or environments of any kinds of subtle, old energies and prepare the space with fresh intent. It can also be used to cleanse the aura of a person from stagnant old energies to prepare for ceremony or spiritual work. For centuries White Sage has been used in ceremony to encourage psychic detox, raising one's energy levels and enhancing manifestation & purification on many levels. It works to diminish any turmoil in one's life, as they prepare to embark on new ventures & positive vibrations.
Ward Off Evil, Repel Enemies & Negative Energy or Spirits, Spiritual Aura Healing, Physical Healing, Purification, Protection, Cleansing, Removes Negative Psychic Energy, Consecration, Longevity, Emotional Chakra Balance & Centering, Concentration, Clearing Spirits, Creating Sacred Space, Circle Casting, Money, Prosperity, Immortality, Wishes, Manifestation, General Healing & Wisdom.

The White Witch Parlour
The White Witch Parlour
-Witch Hazel: For Inspiration, Healing, Wisdom & Cleansing.
With it's branches long used for the art of dowsing, Witch Hazel is a powerful plant often used for remedies regarding healing.  In magick, this is also the case, as it's strong 'healing' nature works to mend a broken heart, reverse hexes & cleanse the aura, offering inspiration to matters of love, creativity & calm emotions. Witch Hazel works through powers of divination when needed, bringing forth wisdom & enchantment. It enhances beauty through the power of healing, encouraging empowerment.

-Mugwort: For Clairvoyance, Protection & Consecration.
Mugwort has been used by magickal practitioners for ages as a dream associative & enhancing psychic skills. It calms the energy of a person, especially when ingested as a tea & helps to awaken the Third Eye, aiding in deeper subconscious travel & spirit world communications. It enhances dreamwork, helping one to better recall dreams for journaling & deciphering messages.  When burned as an incense at Samhain, it works as an offering to call upon the Ancestors, Creating a stronger bond between the thin veil of the physical world & spirit world. Mugwort is an important herb to incorporate into practice when one is trying to awaken their psychic senses & evolve spiritually.

The White Witch Parlour
The White Witch Parlour
-Cinnamon chips: For Prosperity, Money Drawing & Strength.
For centuries, cinnamon has been used in all kinds of spiritually protective rituals, magic spells and potions amongst several cultures, as it is known for stimulating the Sacral, Solar Plexus & Crown Chakra, inspiring spiritual insight, psychic powers, healing and of course protection. However, one of its main intentions in magick is to propel success or bring in abundance, as it's spicy & warm scent can work to spice up your own energy, thus raising your vibrations, warming the spirit & projecting positive energy, which in return will find it's way back to you threefold.
Can be added to a food dish or hot drink to promote the element of Fire, bringing an abundant drive to your energy & attracting prosperity.

-Myrrh Gum Resin: For Healing, Divination & Renewal.
Helping to gently expands upon our inner wisdom, Myrrh ties us to the subconscious, lifting a cloudy veil that blinds us from the 'unknown.' Feminine in nature, Myrrh, works with the energies of Goddess Isis & Mother Moon, aiding us in seeking deeper through the mysteries of the Universe. It raises the vibrations to illuminate our soul & reflects any negative energy that might create doubt or fear, so that one may better connect to their higher purpose, also making it a powerful source when working through tragedies. It is a great healer to the mind, body & spirit, which is why it was traditionally used in an amulet or herbal sachet to bring about a quick healing. Often mixed with Frankincense, not only within the Catholic church, but through various spiritual practices, Myrrh help's one to 'travel' deeper into a meditative state, building a rich connection with the divine, through prayer & magickal practices.

The White Witch Parlour
The White Witch Parlour
-Raven Cone Incense: Animal Totem for Insight, Magick, Protection & Creation.
The Raven, often viewed in cultures as a symbol of death & darkness, but we must remember that without darkness there is no light, and without death, there is no life. Making the Raven & the Crow a powerful symbol of the balance in the cycle of life. Much like the Hindu God, Lord Shiva, bringer of destruction, the Raven is a scavenger & will feast among the dead, carrying away the physical body & releasing the spirit back into the Void. Leaving this curious animal to be so closely tied to the spirit world & all the mysteries that dwell within it. These very intelligent animals have away about them, not much like any other animal on Earth, they are observers, overlooking the slightest movement below. They are great problem solvers in their solitary ways & powerful communicators. The Raven is vibrationally tied to the great Morrigan (aka) 'Phantom Queen', a respected prophetess & Celtic Goddess. In the Welsh culture, the Raven works as a messenger from our ancestors, bringing us warnings & guidance along our journey. It serves as a vessel of powerful magick & ancestral memories to aid our practices. The Raven has much to tell us.

Called upon the spirit of the Raven, blessed this special blend with the energies of Amethyst & Onyx, bringing a mysterious & intuitive energy to heighten the senses. Scented with Spiced Cinnamon this haunting Incense encourages one to look deeper within, seeking the mysteries & ancient wisdom of the Universe, aiding in a strengthening of psychic energy & stronger magick. Working with the Shadow self can become a very deep & very personal practice, calling upon the spirit of the Raven can help one to achieve this comfortably while offering true protection & release of fear. Because the Raven can also be viewed as a symbol of Death, it's spirit can help one to release & bury past trauma's from this life or past, so that with this 'death,' can spring new life; also making it an appropriate energy to work with at the time of Samhain.

The White Witch Parlour
-Red Ritual sand: For Incense Burners & Altar Decor.

The White Witch Parlour
The White Witch Parlour
-Protection elixir incense: Scent of Cinnamon & Spice. Blessed by Smoky Quartz & Obsidian.
This is my new favorite scent in the entire world! I am obsessed with this incense!!
The Protection elixir is a spicy blend of Cinnamon to welcome a mental shield from outside negative energies and any other harm that may be weakening your spiritual aura and energy. For centuries, cinnamon has been used in all kinds of spiritually protective rituals, magic spells and potions amongst several cultures, as it is known for stimulating the crown chakra, inspiring spiritual insight, psychic powers, healing and of course protection. Cinnamon oil was commonly used in the mummification process by the Egyptians and was applied as a holy anointing oil in ancient Hebrew rituals. When it is burned as incense or added to foods, cinnamon raises spiritual energy to a higher level, thus pushing away negative or lower vibrational forces. With the added powerful protective energies of Black Obsidian and Smokey Quartz this elixir clears an abundance of blockages and emotions that may have been absorbed by others, while releasing electromagnetic smog that may be clouding the body and mind so that you may find clear insight and balance within.

The prayer for this:
" I trust in the protection of my spirit, body, and mind as I now hold a shield unlike any other kind. My aura is strong with white light defined from my divine energy and spirit combined."

The White Witch Parlour
-Romance Incense: For Passion, Seduction & Kundalini.
In a sweet, dark & seductive blend of cherries & almonds, my Romance elixir raises the bar for erotic scents. Cherries, symbolic of much more than food, have long been associated with feminine energy as well as used in divination practices and spells throughout the world to attract suitors and discern the future. Almond, on the other hand, brings wisdom, fruitfulness & prosperity to all sections of life, including time in the bedroom. Considered a dark cherry scent & a favorite by many, 'Romance' holds the energies of Rose Quartz, Fluorite & Red Garnet crystals. Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to dispel negativity, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance invoking self-trust and self-worth. Fluorite helps to open the way for the power of other stones to be effective. It can be used as a meditation stone to help energize the body and raise the power of concentration. While Garnet, the stone of romantic love and passion, enhances sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy. It is said that garnet will bring positive thoughts and boost energy and can assist mystically with building one's self-confidence, therefore offering a better performance.

The prayer for this:
" With passion heavy & fantasy so true, I find excitement just being alone with you. Soon to become a desire fulfilled, the sound of my lusting heart being thrilled."