The Major Arcana, Part 3 (15-21)
Cards 15 - 21: The Realm of ChangeThe next group involves our intuitive mind and our feelings. This final group of cards in the Major Arcana, cards 15 - 21, deal with universal laws and issues. They go far beyond the feelings of the individual and the needs of society. These cards address circumstances that can forever alter our lives and the path upon which we travel.
15 - The Devil
When the Devil appears in a Tarot spread, look for discontent and depression, or possible emotional stagnation. This can also indicate someone who is so tied to the material that they neglect the spiritual aspects of their lives. The Devil is the card of addiction and bad decision-making. It's not uncommon to see this card come up in readings for people with a history of mental illness or various personality disorders. Reversed, the Devil portrays a much brighter picture -- such as removing the chains of material bondage in favor of spiritual understanding.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Not thinking clearly; too much on your mind. Possible negative cycle of events. Must learn to work through problems so mistakes are not repeated.
Romance: In bondage to a dead-end relationship or still carrying a torch for someone but can't make the relationship work. All attempts at union or reconciliation will be blocked.
Career & finances: Feeling thwarted from capitalizing on your potential. Lots of work but little reward. Financial difficulties and unexpected losses resulting from bad checks, bad investments, or adverse conditions are predicted.
Health: Burning self out or burning the candle at both ends. May have problems sleeping. Try not to let negative thoughts gain a stronghold.
Family & friends: Someone will have a detrimental effect on you and you may find it hard to break free of this person.
16 - The Tower
Often, the cards in the Tarot represent change, and for the most part, this is gradual, evolutionary change. Not so when the Tower appears. This is sudden, dramatic stuff - and much if it is because of forces that are completely external and out of your control. When the Tower appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates big (and often abrupt) changes, conflict and catastrophe. A reversed Tower card shows that freedom of mind and spirit can be attained, but only at a great cost. This card may indicate someone hoping to break free of an abusive relationship, or leave a potentially disastrous job situation.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Overthrow of existing conditions. Unanticipated disruption and misfortune. Strange occurrences and bizarre happenings. Try to remain calm in the face of challenge and what is right, essential or meaningful will be preserved.
Romance: Probable separation or divorce. Lies, infidelity or abandonment causing an irreparable loss of faith or trust.
Career & finances: Feeling like you made a mistake but you might not have. New opportunities, recognition or improved conditions can be expected in the not too distant future.
Health: Money coming from an accident or injury. Medical expenses may be high. Needing to take a respite before commencing any new ventures.
Family & friends: A relative could be worried about a possible court action. Disheartening news may come from a friend.
17 - The Star
The Star is a card of meditation, showing us that if we just stop to listen, the truth will reveal itself to us. In a spread, this card shows someone who is attaining inspiration and insight, hope and spiritual enlightenment. Reversed, the Star shows doubt and pessimism, someone who lacks the perception to grow spiritually or emotionally. It may also indicate potential mental or even physical illness.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Wishing upon a star.... looking toward the future with hope and longing. Feeling compelled to do or have something and believing deep within your soul that your quest won't be in vain.
Romance: Feeling emotionally or karmically tied to someone or, if single, praying your soul mate will appear. If the latter is true, something is going to happen to encourage your wish.
Career & finances: Wanting a change and then finding a new talent or way of doing something that ensures future success. You will make money in the long run if you keep following your star.
Health: You're going to gain insight into a problem and correct it. Also, someone or something new is going to inspire you and give new hope or meaning to your life and affairs.
Family & friends: A relative might have trouble with reservations or legal papers. A friend could provide a haven from the cares of the world.
18 - The Moon
When the Moon appears in a Tarot spread, look for development of latent psychic abilities. The Moon is intuition and imagination, but can also represent hidden messages and deception. Things are not always as they seem, so trust your instinct. When the Moon appears in reverse, it can sometimes mean that your intuition and psychic abilities are blocked.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Feeling a sense of dread or foreboding. A distressing turn of events in whatever area concerns you most. Having to go through the experience before you'll understand it.
Romance: You're going to be disillusioned by a relationship you thought would work but didn't.
Career & finances: Be on the alert for situations that cause you to react emotionally instead of rationally, and be careful that you don't get cheated or shortchanged.
Health: You could be subject to strange sensations, sleeping disorders, or lumps, bumps or cysts. Try to stay neutral and follow your inner light.
Family & friends: Too many disturbing events could make you misrustful of others or so emotional, you're difficult to be around.
19 - The Sun
A Sun appearing in a Tarot spread is nearly always a sign of good things to come -- it's the card of mental and physical health, happy reunions and good marriages. It also may indicate the liberation that comes with the completion of studies and learning, and reminds us that there can be great pleasure found in the simplest of things. It's a card of joy, powerful energy, and revitalization. A reversed Sun often symbolizes a cloudy future -- it may point to someone whose marriage or job is on the line, or someone who is just wandering aimlessly with no direction, and thus, no goal in sight.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: People, society, or keeping up appearances. Wanting life to be better than it is. Events not turning out quite the way you imagined, but making advancements just the same.
Romance: You might not be able to be with the one you love or yearn for, but others will vie to take his or her place... partnerships may have to be put on ice for the time being and/or the future will look uncertain.
Career & finances: A huge favor will be given that will save you a lot of money and/or a promotional opportunity will come your way that will put you or your work more in the public eye (this could come through a celebrated or media event).
Health: Feeling a a bit lackluster or uninspired. Needing something spiritually or materially to make you feel good about yourself or boost your enthusiasm.
Family & friends: You might be wondering if a relative is really listening to you. Mixing business with pleasure might not be a good idea.
20 - Judgment
The Judgment card indicates a life lived to its fullest, someone who has taken all the necessary steps on their journey to advancement. It indicates awakening and renewal, on spiritual, emotional and physical levels. It can also represent positive legal judgments. This card shows a change in personal perception, and a new ability to blend with the greater surroundings. Reversed, Judgment is a sign of weakness and fear of commitment. It shows a failure to find happiness, in part due to a lack of effort or readiness. It may also indicate losses, such as loss of material possessions, or the end of a marriage or relationship.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Rejuvenation, uplifting news, new relationships and a complete change of habit or consciousness.
Romance: Breaking away from the past and feeling sad about it. Someone's actions or attitudes will make you think twice about seeing him or her again, or continuing the relationship.
Career & finances: Conflicts will be resolved bringing improved conditions, a better job, or well deserved appreciation. A new or renewed sense of purpose and more money can be expected.
Health: May be experiencing dizzy spells. Watch your diet. Someone close could become ill; possibly a stroke or heart attack.
Family & friends: Your friends and loved ones will be supportive and nurturing, but your relationship with one in particular must improve or end.
21 - The World
In a Tarot reading, the World symbolizes completion. It is the card of freedom and liberation on many different levels, and indicates triumph in all undertakings. It often serves as a signal that we are about to achieve something amazing that we have been working towards for a long time, the culmination of all of our efforts. It is, essentially, everything falling into the right place at the right time. Reversed, the World shows us that success has yet to be attained, and an unwillingness to move on. This may indicate someone who is overly attached to their home or job, and refuses to take chances at new opportunities that would ultimately be successful.
Time Frame: Imminently or just passing
Focus: Planetary issues or world-shaking events. Gatherings, travel or physical concerns. New opportunities but also restrictions, walls or obstacles. You can conquer the world if you're willing to try.
Romance: Can't win for losing sometimes no matter what you do. The world will have to take a turn before a new beginning is possible.
Career & finances: May be unemployed or experiencing temporary blocks, but you're going to realize a new method of operation that could make your work a lot easier. Money acquired from more than one source is probable. This could also indicate a tax refund or interest gained on an account.
Health: Slowing down or recuperating. May call a doctor or visit an ailing friend.
Family & friends: Inlaws could be a burden you won't want to contend with, or there could be a separation in the family. Watch out for those who, if given an inch, take a mile.