The Minor Arcana, Part 1 (Wands)
(Wands)Suit Of Wands: they represent the element of Fire and for the most part, ACTION. Wands represent primal energies and Spiritual energies of the mind. They also represent creativity and what is very important to you. Wands are the cards that explain what makes you tick. In regards to a certain situation, they show what makes you tick in regards to a situation.
Wands represent creative energies. These energies can be yours or they can be applied to a certain question. For example, if you ask a question: "will we be happy together?" and you draw 5 of Wands, then you can see that conflicts will be created in the future between you. Since Wands represent creativity, you may be aware that in order to stay happy, you may consider to create a counterbalance to conflicts: peace and tranquility.
When it comes to Tarot card meanings, Wands often serve a very important role because they deal with your personality, ego, motivations, drives, ambitions and they often represent easily accessible energies to you. Keep in mind that Wands deal with both, internal and external energies.
Ace of Wands

The Ace of Wands is a great sign you have discovered something new that has raised your energy! It could be a new business venture, personal philosophy, cause, career choice, religion, or anything that has re-animated your zest for life. The ace cards signify beginnings, so get ready to go on a journey.
Time: Autumn
Focus: The focus is on potential, that which could be or is about to be, increased business or social activities, and new avenues of fulfillment or promise the come in from out of the blue.
Romance: You won't want to experience life alone or have a part-time relationship. You will want a full-time partner and though you will be receptive to those who advance, the time won't be ripe to reap the full harvest. In time, you can expect a happy union or marriage.
Career & finances: Ideas concerning a new business or enterprise will begin to formulate and you will have several options to consider; all of which look promising. Success coming through new concepts, innovative ideas or artistic or creative work is also likely.
Health: You might begin a new treatment or cleansing program. Or you could find a new Doctor. Being productive will bring satisfaction and pleasure.
Family & Friends: A relative may call to talk about his or her love life. If you planned an outing with family or friends, you might have to cut it short or go alone.
Two of Wands

The Two of Wands presents you with choices that are more or less equal. It is a fork in the road, where both paths look good. However, you only have the energy to do one. This is card about choice, as all the two cards are.
Focus: Concentration on work, image or status. Being determined to present the best you're capable of and making sure you have exactly what you want. Good news in business or love.
Romance: Your love life is about to take a surprising turn. Someone (possibly married) may want to take care of you, or someone you were estranged from could try to win you back. A call or visit from an admirer or ardent lover can be expected.
Career & finances: Being in a position of power, expansion and surprising success. Your work will be well received and you may be afforded the opportunity to advance your position. Financial agreements will be discussed or settled, and an increase in business or profits can be expected.
Health: You'll probably be increasing your vitamins and eating foods that give you more energy like fish, fruit or nuts. Your determination will be renewed and everything will be back in perspective.
Family & friends: Differences with a family member can be smoothed out now. Great personal and professional camaraderie is indicated.
Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is a card that foretells a silent peace and joy after an achievement and the excitement over the potential of a new project? “What’s next?” In numerology, the number 3 represents completion and harmony while the suit of wands is for personal development or business. Enjoy your feeling of achievement and know that something exciting is coming over the horizon.
Focus: Faith testing or evoking situations. Overcoming your doubts and believing your ideas can be realized. Establishing new partnerships. Reaching successful conclusions.
Romance: A difficult decision (like "Should I or shouldn't I") will have to be made regarding a new relationship, but this is an excellent time for unions and in spite of your fears, you will unite, form a new partnership, or marry. If hoping a lover will call or come by, you'll get your wish.
Career & finances: Business and finance will improve through increased trade or commerce and friends will prove to be a great help or asset. Also, the conclusion of a business deal will bring an unexpected bonus. Luck will be with you in turning a dream into a reality,
Health: Needing to slow down a bit. You may be concerned about someone else, but you're the one that needs to take it easy.
Family & friends: Someone could be concerned about a settlement or contract. Visitors could mean more work for you. Appointments may be put off so you can spend more time with your family or friends.
Four of Wands

The Four of Wands comes up when you have finished the stage of a major project. It represents a small and humble celebration. This card can be a symbol of marriage, because marriage is seen as the completion of the first stage of a relationship. With the foundation laid, it’s time to re-energize yourself while enjoying the joy of your fresh beginning.
Focus: Work and interpersonal interactions. May feel like quitting or giving up on something, but action will be taken to correct losses or mistake and instead of quitting, you will be participating even more. Don't worry about what others think, just do the best you can.
Romance: Unexpected problems will make you wonder if your mate is being totally honest with you. An old lover could reappear when you least expect it, or you may meet someone very interesting and your current plans may change.
Career & finances: A business partner might upset you; steer clear for now, a new direction or course of action will become available to you. Don't worry about money either, you'll do better than you thought.
Health: You may be feeling tense, anxious, or easily irritated and subject to to muscle aches, neck or backaches. Try not to fly off the handle as you may be quick to anger.
Family & friends: There could be family problems, fights or squabbles, but blood is thicker than water and good will prevail. If someone tries to coerce you into doing something you don't want to do, just say "no".
Five of Wands

The Five of Wands, as a card from the suit of wands, is tied to your self-development and perhaps business ventures. It represents a new phase of your life where you may feel unstable and it could be a blow to your pride. In this case, you are getting your first taste of competition. Your competitors may be being more playful than serious! This is their first time facing competition like you. But still, be bold, don’t retreat. The suit and number together remind you to keep it more about your passion and drive than about ruining your competitors.
Focus: Enterprise, business and romance. Inner conflicts arising from unexpressed desires. Analyzing win/lose factors in exercising your personal integrity. Meeting challenges and coming out on top. Change and reformation.
Romance: Your mind could be so preoccupied you won't even notice the potential for romance. Or, a love you cast aside could return and you will be spending some very passionate moments together!
Career & finances: Luck in business and finance is assured but change takes courage. A revision of attitude will help you get the job done. You'll have enough money to pay your bills or meet your needs and, if involved in a litigation, fight or debate over finances, you will come out victorious. In addition, the completion of a project will bring unexpected gains.
Health: A definite Improvement can be expected. If you're disheartened by obstacles, when you least expect it, everything will turn around and change for the better.
Family & friends: Your loved ones will support you or help you see things differently. An uplifting message from a friend or business associate will also arrive.
Six of Wands

The Six of Wands is a card of celebration. Good fortune has come your way, and a significant success is in your future. Moreso, you will get the celebration and recognition you have earned. This card is a sign of good news.
Focus: Frustrating occurrences. Restrictions placed on you by time or circumstance. Things falling apart or just not going the way you want them to. Short termed however. Don't worry, you'll get through it.
Romance: An amorous or impetuous suitor (one who is perhaps younger than you) is going to try to win your heart... he or she just might! Positive developments and/or changes in your existing relationship are predicted.
Career & finances: Mental work will be very successful. A lot can be accomplished. You might find yourself moving from behind the scenes to center stage or you could go to a seminar or workshop. May be experiencing tension related to finances, but difficulties will be overcome and a payment or settlement is in the offing.
Health: May be feeling frustrated, edgy or irritable; a good indication that you probably need a rest or a vacation. Possibility of nursing a loved one back to good health.
Family & friends: A relative may be troubled by a financial matter that could end up costing you. Professional friends are indicated and they will be very supportive.
Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands warns of conflict in the near future, possibly from those close to you. In numerology, the number 7 represents what is hidden. In this case, the hidden aspect may be your own courage. Although you may not expect it, you have great reserves of courage and perseverence to get through this. Be ready to call upon it.
Focus: Juggling work, appointments and personal responsibilities. Timing, travel or love affairs accentuated. Luck being with you in regaining something thought lost or forgotten, or in concluding business matters successfully. Being on a roll that nothing can thwart.
Romance: Thinking about love and what it would be like to live with someone or get married. Wanting a marriage, union or serious commitment but having a tug of war between your heart and your head; if the heart wins, a sacrifice will have to be made. If you haven't fallen in love yet, someone's going to come along and sweep you off your feet!
Career & finances: Your mind might not be on your work but you'll get the job done and handle your affairs skillfully. Financial obstacles will be surmounted and a check, subsidy, commission, or settlement is in the offing.
Health: Don't take on more than you can handle or it could effect your health adversely. In addition, be careful of eating questionable foods.
Family & friends: Good news coming about a relative's home or finances (or you will call them). A trip with a sweetheart or vacation with loved one may also be planned.
Eight of Wands

The Eight of Wands is the “life coming at you fast” card. Be ready for an abrupt increase in your pace of life. Your current projects may soon get very busy! All things considered, this is a positive card and should be appreciated as a call to buckle down and focus.
Focus: Expansion, movement, travel and enterprise. Romance, meetings or long-distance communications emphasized. Conditions are going to change for the better due to some good fortune or turn of fate, or luck will be luck will be with you in finding the best product to suit your needs. Taking the initiative and being accountable will be your keys to success.
Romance: An introduction, invitation or proposition may surprise you. This is a positive time for romance and if a significant love affair doesn't begin (a very warm and enchanting one) you'll at least be charmed by an admirer or two!
Career & finances: Lots of activity or correspondence connected with work. Frustration or delays blowing over. Profitable ventures and money coming from a business that's beginning to yield a profit, can be expected.
Health: Positive in every way; especially your frame of mind.
Family & friends: Good news coming from a relative, possibly concerning a legal matter. May spend time in the home of family member. An unpleasant occurrence could arise with a friend over something that was misrepresented or misunderstood.
Nine of Wands

The Nine of Wands, although a symbol of wisdom and intuition, is a bittersweet card. This card recognizes your strength and ability to overcome obstacles. What is keeping you from completion is your hesitation to let your guard down. This may mean you are not allowing yourself to delegate tasks, whether personal or professional. You’ve come this far by digging deep and finding the will to continue, but it may be time to lead rather than grind.
Focus: Character, stamina and discipline. Doing your best according to the circumstances you find yourself in. Gathering strength, biding time or awaiting the right moment to act. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Good news is on its way.
Romance: There will be two loves vying for your affection and you will be trying to sort out the dilemma or find the answer that will quell the conflict, but the solution you come to will either break your heart or be impossible to carry out. In time, you could be in the arms of someone who is quite different from the others you've know.
Career & finances: Financial transactions and social activities will bring success and rewards. You'll have enough money to get by and you'll soon have the opportunity to make even more. Do that thing you've been wanting to try; it may turn out to be very lucrative.
Health: You could come down with a cold or flu. Try not to get so run down. If you want to avoid a misdiagnosis, get a second opinion.
Family & friends: A relative could be looking for a way out of a financial problem. If you've been waiting to hear from someone, you'll probably end up calling yourself.
Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is the final card of the suit of wands. It embodies the usual characteristics of the wand cards—passion, creativity, energy, and ambition. However, while projects can begin with energy and drive, they may get weighed down with bureaucracy. You may feel like you are doing a lot of work that is not being appreciated. This card warns of being overcommitted while not expressing the passion you have inside you.
Focus: A major change from one thing, person or place, to another. Tying up loose ends and moving on. Meeting practical difficulties and plodding through. Time bringing a new slant to what seemed like an impossible situation.
Romance: Tired of being left in the dark about your love life or not knowing where you stand. Quit whipping a dead horse. The relationship is more trouble than it's worth and you deserve much more!
Career & finances: Paperwork could be an overwhelming chore but you'll complete it. You may change your routine or do something else along different lines. Feeling apprehensive due to a setback, loss of income, or something you counted on falling through.
Health: Too many obligations could leave you feeling tired and run down. Try to keep your chin up, the goal is almost insight and "this too shall pass".
Family & friends: Added responsibilities are indicated, and a friend could have a problem you won't know how to deal with.
Page of Wands

The Page of Wands is a vital indicator of good news traveling to you from a youthful individual. This person embodies boundless energy. They may like amusements parks, climbing trees, and always wanting to go distant places. However, they may have a hard time being practical. If you feel this card describes you, it could point towards a new excitement about work.
Time Frame: November 22 - December 21 (Sagittarius)
Focus: Inventory and analysis; philosophical, spiritual or work related ideas. Activities geared toward expansion, release or new beginnings.
Romance: Fearing that you and your lover or mate are not going to get together or that even if you did it would only be a superficial relationship will no real depth or giving of one's self... hoping that a new approach will be successful.
Career & finances: Worrying about your finances but promoting a new enterprise that could turn into a very successful and far-reaching project. Financial gain coming through repeat clients and business referrals.
Health: Emotionally, you may be feeling kind of edgy. Stomach or sexual problems might need to be tended too.
Family & friends: You and a friend could begin a joint business venture. Try not to be impatient with your relatives.
The Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands may be associated with you if you are a spontaneous person or it may represent another youthful person in your life. Whoever it is, the person in this card loves to travel and has a buzzing energy. Be ready for a change in your environment, and be careful, it may come quickly.
Focus: At a Crossroads concerning living quarters, business or partnerships. A life changing decision may soon be made. Stress and difficulty ending in success.
Romance: Your heartfelt desires are going to be met through the entry of a kindred spirit with whom you will establish a deep rapport and mutual feeling of affinity, passion or trust. Or you will come into love or money through the affections of a generous admirer.
Career & finances: You may have to deal with very unpleasant people or circumstances in your work, and will feel that you are wasting your time and effort, but eventually the energy will blow off and tensions will vanish. Follow your intuition and good will prevail. Money could come through a new source or different undertaking.
Health: Possible lack of energy, minor accidents. Need to pay more attention to what you're doing. Put off that trip to the dentist, you probably won't like the results.
Family & friends: You could find yourself in an uncomfortable or embarrassing situation, or feel self-conscious around your family and friends, and someone you know may have a problem with drugs or alcohol.
Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands represents an older person, usually a woman, or energy in your life. They are an interesting character, loving nature, family, and animals but also very ambitious & confident in career. They light up the room and have an independent streak.
Time Frame: July 23 - August 22 (Leo)
Focus: New avenues and paths, family matters or get-togethers, metaphysical or spiritual pursuits, love affairs and personal fulfillment. A sudden surge in your business or career or an unexpected call from a lover will come as a much-welcomed surprise
Romance: If single, an admirer or sweetheart will appear and a passionate love affair is in store. Or an enigma will be solved and you'll finally know the truth about someone's feelings for you.
Career & finances: You may have been off the path but you're going to bounce back even stronger. Don't worry, the check really is in the mail, and you made a wise financial decision.
Health: Very health conscious; possibly interested in new age-type treatments or remedies. Emotionally, a stroke of good luck will cause your spirits to soar.
Family & friends: A relative could call on you and a choice in affections may have to be made. A friend will bring a change in social activities or a new romance.
King of Wands

The King of may signify upcoming financial luck for you. It can also represent an authority figure, one who is fiery, full of fighting spirit, jolly, and a good friend. If this card is you, be ready to be open to advice to others, and perhaps being involved in solving a dispute.
Time Frame: March 21 - April 19 (Aries)
Focus: A very ambitious period. Self confidence and leadership ability will come naturally. New partnerships are indicated and people of influence that can help you, will.
Romance: Problems in the past may have caused you to shut down emotionally but not letting on to what's really going on inside will make the pressure build. Loosen up, love is everywhere... you just have to let it in. A new relationship or a positive change in an existing one is about to be established. A marriage proposal could also be indicated.
Career & finances: Your greatest success will come through new ventures and in your ability to get you concepts across to others. Business and finance will take first place and improve, ideas for self promotion will begin to formulate and orders or calls for work will increase.
Health: Tension headaches or problems with your lower back are likely. A new treatment, diet or exercise regime, may be implemented.
Family & friends: There could be concern over a health problem or the sale of a home or property. A friend from the past is going to call -someone you recently thought of- and you will make a new friend who could become a very significant part of your life.