The Minor Arcana, Part 2 (Pentacles)


Suit Of Pentacles: they represent the element of Earth and for the most part, deal with physical and material aspects. Suit of Pentacles shows you Earthy matters like money, work, physical health, how you take actions, how you manifest things when you act, how you manage things and so on. In other words, Pentacles deal with "how to" aspects as well.

Let's say you want to do a 2 card reading with a question: "How do I make him fall in love with me?" and you draw two cards: Page of Wands and Knight of Pentacles.

Remember that Wands is our creation and action cards? With Page of Wands, the suggestion is to freely express your passion around him. Flirt, tease, smile and be yourself! Be that happy teenager in love who cares less what others think. But with a Knight of Pentacles, when it comes to take things to a physical level, slow down.

Knight of Pentacles gives you a very direct suggestion NOT to jump straight into sex and show your self-control. With this combination, you can tease, flirt, make out and do all those cute things, but simultaneously - slow down until both of you are in a solid relationship. That's how pentacles work: they don't necessarily tell you to abandon, but to rather slow things down if needed (especially, with Knight of Pentacles).

Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles is a sign of good health, luck, or prosperity. It’s not a card of huge change. Rather, it speaks to small but solid gains that make a real difference. You feel grounded, rooted, and are ready to go forward.
Time: Spring
Focus: Situations involving investments of time or money; potential partners or partnerships. New things replacing old. Pleasure, satisfaction and prosperity.
Romance: Wanting a significant relationship or a more responsive partner. Dissatisfaction may cause you to look elsewhere. A romance you thought was over, may blossom again.
Career & finances: Activity may have been slow in the past but your business interests will soon begin to thrive. Success coming through pleasurable pursuits and profitable investments of time, money or energy.  Money coming from something that was held up or that you should have gotten in the past.
Health: Good news will soon arrive. A new type of treatment may be considered. If you've been ailing, you'll soon be on the road to recovery, and in a happy, fun-loving frame of mind.
Family & friends: Better times, better health, and improved conditions can be expected. A gift may be purchased or a charitable deed bestowed.

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles pops up in a reading when you feel like you’ve been juggling a lot of what makes up daily life—finances, jobs, responsibilities. Because of this card’s suit, pentacles, the advice seems to be to focus, be in the moment, which means not multi-tasking. You may have to do this juggling for good reasons, maybe for survival, but just as with all two cards, this can’t last forever.
Focus: Feeling like you're between a rock and a hard place. Needing to find an equitable balance between your work and your personal life. Discouraged now but conditions will be stabilized and good will prevail. The balance will be restored and hope and cheer will be regained.
Romance: May be feeling star crossed in matters of the heart. If married, your partner probably feels the same. New factors (personally and professionally) will smooth out difficulties.
Career & finances: Trying to meet difficult schedules. Words, efforts or methods may be ineffective. Money will be forthcoming but you might need to make some concessions. Discussions about work or finances will be agreed upon by everyone and a new career direction could emerge.
Health: May be spreading yourself too thin. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
Family & friends: Outside influences could interfere with your home life. A friend could act as a romantic buffer or bring about a happy change.

Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles indicates the satisfaction of a job well done… and your good work has been recognized! You will soon receive more support or even investments to put into your craft or journey.
Focus: Improving the quality of your life or work. Unions, groups or new ventures coming into view. Revamping papers, communications or plans are also probable.
Romance: Memories of the past will begin to fade away, freeing you to accept new opportunities. If involved in a personal relationship, you will be discussing living arrangements and making plans for your future.
Career & finances: You will come together with someone to discuss a business idea or venture and to toss around ideas that could improve or market your work, and all will be in accord.  Lucrative returns, or income supplemented by profits coming from a new enterprise, can be expected.
Health: Feeling uplifted, renewed and more sociable. May tend to overindulge and eat or drink too much. If your plans included rest, they will probably change. Much activity is in store. Pleasure derived from your talents, work and social exchanges can also be expected.
Family & friends: Communication problems and hard feelings will come to an end. You'll enjoy the companionship of your family and friends and a new acquaintance or two. Someone close may need counseling or legal aid.

Four of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles is a bit of a penny-pincher. In a reading, this card may be showing you are in a good position. You have status, health, money, and comfort. Life is stable, as the number 4 represents. However, in the most negative of senses, this card can be one of hoarders, packrats, and misers. Enjoy what you have, let it flow, because holding leads to stagnation.
Focus: Making every effort or penny count. Thoughts turning toward work or practicalities rather than romance. Paying a price for success. Forging ahead even if you don't feel like it. Finding a new approach that brings financial reward.
Romance: Obstacles such as logistics, business priorities or geography could get in the way, but if both of you are in accord and want to be together, the difficulties can be overcome. You may be feeling detached or noncommitted until you see which way the ball will bounce.
Career & finances: Work may involve bartering, trading, finance or analysis. Professional advancements and successful transactions are predicted. You'll have enough money to cover your bills and take care of your needs, and any outstanding debts will be paid. A bill of sale could also be signed and important papers transferred
Health:  Having a hard time getting help (or support) with a health problem. A trip to the doctor could be a costly or painful ordeal.
Family & friends: You and a loved one could be discussing the pros and cons of a financial move. A confession or disclosure, may surprise you.

Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles is not a card that comes up with positive times. Like all cards of the pentacles suit, it deals with small, grounded matters such as money and home. This card predicts a setback. It represents a difficult time, as all fives do. While this card may signify loss, the number 5 means new, if awkward, beginnings, so it’s valuable in this time to hold what you cherish. Not just material things or people, but your values as well.
Focus: A dark and troublesome period. Unfortunate experiences in business, love or material circumstances, may cause a loss of faith in yourself or abilities. Life can be a hard teacher at times. Hang in there, problems can be overcome and you will learn a valuable lesson.
Romance: Longing to be with the one your heart yearns for.  Feeling sad that your love for someone is unrequited or you can't be together. A relationship could fail due to a lack of communication, misunderstanding or sexual problem. If you hoped that you and another would unite or reunite, expect a letdown as you probably won't.
Career & finances: Job dissension, difficult dealings with others or heated debates are likely. Nevertheless, you can expect financial success regardless of obstacles or problems.
Health: Be careful of accidents, falling, or injuries. Another doctor or car repair bill will be the last thing you need right now. Imagine yourself in a bubble of spiritual white light and you will be insulated from harm.
Family & friends: Someone you love or care for will also be having problems, but you'll be too drained to help, or you won't be able to reach or console them.

Six of Pentacles

The Six of Pentacles signifies good fortune through generosity. When the needy are too proud to accept help, or the rich unwilling to give, both hurt. This card may be reminding you that is it time to give if you have been fortunate, or maybe it’s time to accept the help that would benefit you greatly.
Focus: Token starts and promising enterprises or career opportunities. Health, financial solvency or problem solving, could be emphasized. Being willing to defer instant gratification may be necessary.
Romance: Hoping for a call from a loved one or wishing he or she would come by. May be feeling a sense of separateness or distance. A surprise could be heading your way.
Career & finances: You'll be pleased with the work you are doing and the chance to expand in your field of endeavor, but you still won't be quite where you want to be. Money, or trouble collecting what is owed to you, could be a problem.
Health: Sometimes the best way to solve problems is to stop thinking about them. Watch out for accidents around the home front and be careful of what you eat.
Family & friends: A relative who's been unhappy with the state of his or her affairs may quit a job, move or travel. You may be feeling an undercurrent of tension or discomfort with your friends or business partners because something will be unsettled in your mind that will need to be discussed and resolved.

Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles is the feeling of anxiety after you’ve done a lot of work but haven’t seen results yet. The number 7 in numerology represents what is hidden while the pentacles (or coins) are a symbol for the day-to-day things in your life such as money. Whatever the result will be, there’s no point in worrying about it now. Look at nearby cards to see signs of the outcome.
Focus: A pause in progress. Reevaluating present situation. Determination and constructive energy ultimately leading to success. Being patient and awaiting the help or direction that's forthcoming, will be your key to success.
Romance: May be disappointed in love or resigning yourself to the prospect of  living alone. A marriage or union will be discussed or proposed but you could be wondering if it's what you really want... you might need to go it alone for awhile.
Career & finances: Dissatisfaction with your progress. Not seeing the results you hoped to see and finding it difficult to get yourself established. Wishing you were more successful or financially solvent, but very few options seem to be available. Hang in there, good news will arrive that will shed new light on your financial security.
Health: Taking on anything taxing is probably not a good idea right now as you'll be in no mood to deal with it.
Family & friends: Probably spending too much time at home, or feeling alone when you don't have to. Go out with your friends it could change things for the better. 

Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is a card that speaks to your career and skills. It’s a very positive card, especially if you are trying hard to master new skill. Unlike most of the other pentacles cards, this card does not imply financial gain. It signifies spiritul wealth, a happiness & pride in one’s work. Even if no one notices, know that you are taking yourself to a higher level.
Focus: Advancement, romance and opportunities to better yourself, spread your wings or diversify your skills, becoming available. Recognition, backing on a project, and small successes are predicted.
Romance: An unexpected romantic opportunity will come as a pleasant surprise. Someone is about to light up your life and if there's no one special in it now, you'll be be attracting romance like bees to honey! Involvement with an actor, craftsman or artisan is also likely.
Career & finances: Praise, compensation for your efforts, new orders or an offer of financial assistance will lift your spirits and improve your outlook. Incremental material gains can be expected.
Health: May be experiencing weight loss or a lack of appetite. Be cautious outdoors. Too much sun or heat could have an ill effect.
Family & friends: Scheduling family outings or making travel arrangements could present problems. Not a big deal however. Social life will definitely be improving and business and pleasure will mix nicely.

Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles represents a well-earned financial reward which leads to comfort for self. The number 9 in numerology signifies a natural leader and a friendly, generous individual. This card is about being able to spend money and treat yourself. A small paradise.
Focus: Changing or revitalizing existing conditions. Promoting yourself and making advancements. Business (and accumulating money) will make you the happiest, and in that arena you'll truly shine.
Romance: Love could be found through work or service type environments. If separated from a loved one, it will only be temporary. If you've been holding out for something you really want, you'll find that you've made the right decision.
Career & finances: All indications are a GO! Apply for that job or form the new partnership! Luck will definitely with you on the work front and you'll be praised for your work or efforts. Better financial conditions and successful agreements are guaranteed.
Health: Beware of intoxicants that can make you act impulsively. If someone you know has been ill, they will soon be on the road to recovery.
Family & friends: "Ask and ye shall receive." Your family and friends will be helpful and supportive.

Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is known as the wealth card. This card is a positive sign for your financial security. It also implies close and happy relationships with family & friends. The Ten of Pentalaces in a reading may foretell an inheritance.
Focus: Domestic matters, home and family, will come to the fore; expenses, repairs, taking care of  household responsibilities, etc. A chain of events will soon be completed and most of your problems will be eliminated.
Romance: You or the one you love could be too busy (or preoccupied) to extend the energy it takes to keep a relationship going. Or you may be unable to cement the type of relationship you want to have.
Career & finances: Discussions about schedules, marketing, or forming a new group are probable. Money will be fair or alternating but if a financial transaction has been bothering you, you'll soon have a pleasant surprise. Also, money will come in through clients, a dividend or a legacy.
Health: Someone will probably need looking after, vaccinations or grooming. If you've been in the doldrums, new elements will enter your life that will make your outlook on the future more hopeful.
Family & friends: Talks of future plans and travel. A previous arrangement may change unexpectedly. A new alliance may be formed with a group of business associates or friends. 

Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles is associated with a youthful person or energy in your life who is introspective and conscientious. They love hard work as they benefit from it both materially and emotionally. If you get this card in a reading, it may be a sign that focus and industriousness may benefit you in the near future.
Time Frame: December 22 - January 19 (Capricorn)
Focus: Laboring over professional, scholastic or romantic endeavors. Wanting to be more successful or financially compensated. Not giving up until you get what you want.
Romance: Incompatibilities or irreconcilable differences could cause an unavoidable separation or divorce. Whatever you do, or decide to do, will be handled with integrity.
Career & finances: You may be feeling that there's nothing you can do to improve your financial outlook or lift you out of the slump you're in, but that is going to change. Success will come through a business proposal or social invitation that changes things for the better.
Health: Holding things in, not communicating your feelings, or being unwilling to listen to new ideas, will have an adverse affect on your health. Particularly your ears, throat and stomach.
Family & friends: Family plans may be canceled or postponed. A friend might want to play matchmaker or bring you and another together in a business endeavor.

Knight of Pentacles

The Knight of Pentacles, unlike the other knights, is not a card of brash action. Because the pentacles (coins) are a symbol of the day-to-day things in your life such as bills and family, this knight symbolizes patient virtue. The Knight of Pentacles may represent a young adult, a dependable person about to enter your life.
Focus: Travel, advertising, real estate or land could come into focus. Listen to your heart in the pursuit of life, love and happiness. Follow gut feelings and hunches. In time, your wishes will be realized.
Romance: Love, love, love. That's all your mind is on. Your feelings are right and so is your intuition. Fortune will favor you in matters of the heart and, if not already committed, a significant, nurturing relationship and possible marriage is in store.
Career & finances: Business may have been slow in the past, but things are going to take an upward swing and improve greatly. Don't worry about finances, in the long run, you'll come out ahead. A positive response or "go-ahead" on a new idea can also be expected.
Health: You'll be surprised at what a little honesty or a vacation can do for the soul. An open, honest communication could turn an ordinary event into an extraordinary experience.
Friends & family: You might not see eye to eye with a relative, or be able to share your feelings with a family member. If you and a friend were having problems, you will resolve them and be closer than ever.

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles reflects a person in your life who is very good at keeping up day-to-day things such as budgeting, cooking, cleaning, and caring for people. They is down-to-earth and are someone who comes to your aid whenever you need it and mostly likely advices on how to manage your money. This person, as someone who really appreciates nature & beauty, most likely dresses nicely and keeps a gorgeous home.
Time Frame: January 20 - February 19 (Aquarius)
Focus: An emphasis on hopes, wishes and aspirations. Needing to clarify objectives or goals. Beginning to see possibilities but having to persist if tangible results are to manifest.
Romance: Wanting a supportive relationship. Present one will be weighed to see if it measures up. Possible involvement with a gifted, unusual or striking person.
Career & finances:  New information concerning your work will brighten your perspective. You'll have success in financial affairs and in obtaining results in your field of endeavor. Money coming in or freeing up will make you feel more secure. Look for something in the mail.
Health: A spiritual cleansing would be good for you. Renewed spirits and good health are predicted. If contemplating a career in a healing profession, it should be very rewarding.
Family & friends: A relative or friend may need consoling and you will aid or assist him or her. Ideas will come to light through your friends and your thoughts will be verified.

King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is likely a person (or you) who embodies success and status but also dependability and maturity. You can expect this person to be good at the daily aspects of life such as budgeting and family life. They are a resource of intelligence and experience. This card may be a sign of financial promotion.
Time Frame:  May 21 - June 20  (Gemini)
Focus: Completing old projects and beginning a new era. Possible involvement in the arts, media or communications industry. Diligence paying off.
Romance: The give and take could be lacking in your relationship and someone may be acting irresponsibly or being inconsiderate. But, on a positive note, if you've been estranged from a loved one, you will soon be reunited or reconcile your differences.
Career & finances: Mental activity will be accented. Creative project, writing or drawing, likely. Others will be impressed by your talents. Wanting to make more money and will! A prosperous new beginning is ahead.
Health: Improving in every way; everything will be looking up.
Family & friends: A reunion or reconciliation is probable. Many influential and helpful friends will surround you.